Chapter 15

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 Hi everyone!!! Thank you soo much again for reading and liking this story! I try my best to make you like it! Haha I love you guys so much. So first I would like to say thank you so much for the comments, I enjoy each and every one of them. If you have anything you would like to say please leave a comment. If it's something you like about it, something you don't like about it , something you would like to see happen, anything! I always look forward to them!! Lastly, I just want to warn you that this chapter is pretty graphic ;). It contains pretty steamy boyxboy action, and its pretty dirty.. so if you don't like that stuff , yeah .. just a warning. If you do..... ENJOY!!!

Louis's P.O.V

     When we got back to the hotel room I couldn't stop starring at Harry, I wanted to go over and kiss him over and over again. I was aching for this time alone with him. Not to mention the massive boner my little friend had going on. I groaned at the sight of muscular Harry walking inside the hotel room moving my hand down to my pants ready to get them off somehow. I walked towards Harry ready to kiss him, to seduce him. Did he want another massage? I eyed the massage oil standing on the bedside table. His voice broke through my thoughts.

   "Louis, you've been a very naughty boy". He purred. I felt myself getting even harder. "You are going to do exactly what I say, lay on your bed and don't move." I went over to my bed and layed down like he said, my heart racing. "Don't make any sounds at all, none". He said coming over to me. He slowly came over and peeled off my shirt. I wanted to moan at just that. He looked at my nipples and pinched each one firmly. I couldn't help it a small moan escaped me. He went in with his tongue and sucked on them slowly moving his tongue down my chest leaving small lovebites along the way. This time my moan was louder.

 "What did I say about no sounds"? He asked. "You'll be punished". He held out the word punished as he trailed his tongue back up to my neck kissing me slowly around the neck. Soon he was up to my lips he gave me a gentle passionate kiss filled with so much emotion, but soon he was back at pleasuring me, biting my bottom lip seductivly. I tried to hold in my moans as best as I could. I wanted to put my hands in his curly hair, or to take off his shirt. Why was he still fully clothed? I reached my arm out, but just as I was about to wrap my arms around his and pull him in he pulled away. "Uh uh, no touchy yet babe, lemme do all the work." Then he reached into the bedside table pulling out something, I wasn't sure what it was until we waved them in my face. "I guess we're going to need these". He said showing me the handcuffs. He slowly handcuffed my arms to the bedpost. I groaned. That time he didn't stop me though. He was trying so hard to be naughty, it made me love him even more. 

   He reached over his head and removed his shirt, his muscles mocking me. Slowly he moved on top of the bed as well but below me. He moved his hands down to my legs and removing my pants entirely. He didn't touch my extremely hard manhood, although thats all I wanted him to do. I was laying there completely naked and massively turned on. His naughty tricks were working. Harry stood back and took off his pants too ,but he was in boxers. I moaned. He looked up at me and winked then he put his mouth on my hard dick. He moved his tongue slowly up and down swirling it mockingly around the head. I wanted to scream out, everytime I was just about ready to cum he wouldn't let me , he started to suck harder now putting the whole darn thing in his mouth. 

"Harry, Holy FUCK Harrry"!

  I moaned begging him to just finish me off. He was being a tease.  He let go trailing his tongue up only one more time before pulling his mouth away and cradiling it in both of his hands , he started to stroke it hard up and down. 


"Uhhhhh, ohhhh, FUCk me please baby"! I screamed out.

"Harry smiled putting the whole thing in his mouth again and licking it harder moving it around fast. I exploded like I never have before. I moaned loudly as I shot my whole load into his mouth and he swallowed the whole , enitre thing.  I laid there, since I didn't really have to option to move, Harry did though, he came over and undid the handcuffs. I heard them land on the ground with a small thump. I moaned.

"Harry , that was amazing." "You're amazing". I whispered turning my head to look at Harry and smiled.

"I love you Lou". He said climbing on top of me and showering my face and neck with little kisses.

"I love you too baby". I said moving my arms down and around his body. I reached one hand out to peel his boxers off, if I was going to be naked so was he. He didn't argue as they feel to the ground landing on the handcuffs.  I looked at his , big gorgeous penis. I moaned , somehow I was turned on again.

"Can I try something"? He whispered looking into my eyes.

"Baby, whatever you want". I said softly placing a kiss on his cute nose that was close to me.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want , just ask me to stop if I'm hurting you". He said. I wasn't sure what he wanted to do. "Honestly baby". He repeated.  Slowly he started to grind on me thrusting his dick against mine. He kissed my mouth hard distracting me a little bit. Then he moved his dick down and thrusted inside of me. His thrusts started gentle because I had never had anything inside my ass before. I screamed out a little shocked. Suddenly the pain got overwhelmed by how good and different it felt. "Are you O.k"? He whispered in between moans. Somehow he went from naughty to incredibly sweet in a short amount of time.

"Yes babe, keep going harder". I moaned and he did. My fingernails dug into his back when he arched it letting out a long , final moan.

"Louis, I'm gonna....." . He didn't finish his sentence because he did and his liqud filled up inside of me. He pulled out all the way his face looking pleasured and in pure bliss.  He layed beside me wrapping his naked body around mine and kissed the back of my neck slowly.

"I love you so much, you're the most amazing person on this entire planet, I love you more than anything, don't ever ever forget that". He said finally and groggily  as he pulled a cover up to our chests. 

"I love you too Harry". I said slowly as I felt him drift off to sleep next to me. I put my hands in his curls as he slept and whispered into his eat how much I loved him. Although he was sleeping I saw his lips turn up into a smile. So I kissed his adorable dimples.  I heard a little giggle come out from the bottom of his throat and he took his hands and grabbed the sides of my head sort of like a little baby to pull my lips into his. I feel asleep while our lips were resting againist each other.

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