Chapter Six

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                                            "You are a little soul carrying about a corpse [...]"                                                                                                       ― Marcus Aurelius

What the fuck is going on?

That was the first conscious thought Kim Taehyung had, when he regained consciousness and opened his eyes. He found himself lying on a cold concrete floor and when he moved himself into a sitting position, he groaned loudly. Raising his hand to his face, he gingerly examined it. He had a big bump on his left brow arch and his jaw also felt hot and swollen. He also felt a massive knot on the back of his head when he raked his hands through his dark locks. When his tongue touched his bottom lip and an open cut, he flinched involuntarily.

How did this happen? And how did I end up in this dimly lit room when the last thing I remember was walking towards the exit of the parking deck of the hospital?

"Hello?" he inquired, turning cautiously and hissing when he felt his ribs singing the high carol of pain at his side. He could still taste a slightly sweet taste in his mouth and he wondered why someone would bother to use chloroform on him. Behind him a door was thrown open and its metal banged against the wall.

"Good, sleeping beauty is awake. Someone wants to have a word with you."

Taehyung was unceremoniously hauled up to his feet and before he was able to fully regain his balance he was shoved into a corridor beyond the metal door.

"Where am I?" Kim Taehyung inquired and stumbled slightly. "Who are you?"

"Ah, I thought you had more spunk in you," the other man, shorter than Taehyung and blonde, mocked. "You should know who we are, you asshole borrowed money from us and didn't bother to pay us back."

"Money? Are you serious?" Kim Taehyung inquired flabbergasted. "I have never borrowed money in my life and especially not from some wannabe gangsters like yo-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was unceremoniously slammed into the concrete wall of the corridor and Taehyung groaned. His left shoulder was just one big painful mess and he hoped the impact had not damaged any ligatures or bones.

"Fuck!" he cried out and caught his breath. Violently his head was jerked up and the smaller man was grinning into his face. Straight blonde bangs fell into his face as he brought his face close to Taehyung's own.

"I'd behave if I were you, princess," he said, his voice heavy with a dialect from the Southern tip of the peninsula, the areas of Busan and Daegu. A dialect Taehyung was quite familiar with, as he came from Daegu himself.

"Who are you?" Taehyung inquired again but the other man just shrugged. He was led to a pair of metal doors, then up an elevator and finally he was shoved into an office kind of room that could also double as a luxury hotel suite.

"Jimin, what did you drag in here?" A man asked, leaning over a desk, watching the monitor on it and moving the mouse in his right hand from time to time. He was in his twenties, tall and with a clean cut face.

"You wanted to have a word with this guy, Kim Taeyeon, remember?" The man called Jimin replied and kicked the feet out from under Taehyung. "The new guy Seung-Gi brought him in late last night."

The other man raised an eyebrow and tsked at the man. Taehyung slowly got into a standing position, holding his painful ribs while he tried to ignore his aching shoulder. With a deviant look on his face he looked at the smaller man.

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