Chapter Thirteen 🔥

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"Losing your life is not the worst thing that can happen. 
  The worst thing is to lose your reason for living." 
                                                                                   - Jo Nesbo

Over the last couple of weeks Jin and Taehyung – by unspoken agreement – had started to prepare breakfast for the triumvirate and associated members. This morning, however, Jin went and picked up Tae from his room instead Tae waiting for him already in Jungkook's and his apartment. Together they made their way over to Jungkook's apartment.

Both men were softly conversing with each other as they worked side by side in Jungkook's kitchen. They had bonded over medicine and Taehyung was steadily prodding Seokjin for taking time off to actually take medical courses at university.

They were so immersed in their conversation that they missed three other people coming in and settling at the table where they usually talked about their daily schedules.

"We should have brought Jang-Mi's high chair!" Mina said, and tried to keep her daughter sitting on one of the regular chairs.

"What are you doing here?" Jin asked and walked up to the table that Taehyung had set earlier for breakfast.

"What does it look like? We want breakfast. I take toast and coffee, thank you," Mina said looking at her partner for support but Jeon Kwan was sitting at the head of the table deeply immersed in his iPad.

"We are not a hotel," Jin growled but turned when Taehyung slightly touched his arm.

"Hyung," he said and put a cup of coffee and a small dish with toast onto the table in front of Mina.

"You keep away from her, she can eat what everyone is eating," Seokjin told Tae who in turn nodded.

One by one the others filed in and Taehyung had given Hoseok the all clear earlier that morning after having removed his stitches. Seeing Hoseok sitting at the table in his usual seat, and charming the socks off the little girl who sat in his lap made more than one of his friends smile.

While all of them more or less turned up in their pyjamas or house clothes, Yoongi appeared in one of his tailored suits. He looked more like the leader than the consigliere.

Taehyung watched from afar, he could feel the tension in the air and his stomach revolted more than once. When everyone was seated, Taehyung tried to sit farthest away from Jeon Kwan and also not in his direct view. He hoped he kept under the radar.

Pretending to be more interested in the news channels than what was going on around him, Jeon Kwan had watched the young doctor for a while. On the surface the young man seemed to be calm and collected but something seemed to be off, especially as he only interacted with Seokjin and Jimin but not so much with the others and never with his son.

"Tomorrow you will be joining us in your capacity as medic, Kim Taehyung-ssi," Jeon Kwan said in a cavalier way and leant back in his seat, waiting. In the following silence you could have heard a needle dropping, when Jimin jumped up from his seat.

"The hell he will!" the blonde man said and stared at Jeon Kwan.

"Jimin," Jungkook said and shook his head. He watched Tae, tried to make him understand that he would do everything to keep him safe. He saw the panic in his eyes, the questions and also the fear. It almost made him come undone and his whole body screamed to stand up and go over to Taehyung to reassure him but he remained seated.

Jeon Kwan watched him, waiting like a spider in his web for one false move of his prey and Jungkook and Tae were his. When Jungkook remained seated he was relieved. With the info Seung-Gi had given him and the fact that Kim Taehyung was still alive, he had his suspicions. But then with the disappearance of Seung-Gi, he had his doubts that the information his snitch had supposedly unearthed was accurate. Jeon Kwan was determined to have a word with the idiot once he surfaced again.

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