Chapter Eleven 🔥

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                                      "How could I not love it, the mere idea of it? How could it not be worth
                                         the greatest danger, the greatest and most ghastly defeat?
                                         Even at the moment of destruction, I would be alive as I have never been."
                                                                                        ― Anne Rice, The Vampire Lestat

Three weeks. Three weeks, where Taehyung had spent each night in Jungkook's bed and his days just like before in the infirmary. For a random person nothing had changed but changes had been implemented. Taehyung had gotten his own cell phone and was able to contact Soo-Hee. He had access to every part of the high rise and spent the evening with Jungkook's friends.

Tae particularly grew close to Jimin of all people who had determined that Tae had to know hand to hand combat; if he stitched up all those wounds as their surgeon he should know how these wounds were accrued. So for two weeks, Taehyung and Jimin had started to meet in the compound's own training room where Jimin proceeded to teach Tae how to handle himself in a knife fight.

They had been at it for about an hour now and both men had worked up a sweat.

Jimin caught Tae's hand with the knife, twisted his body around and then threw the taller doctor over his shoulder as if Taehyung weighed about as much as a bag of feathers.

With a loud thud Tae landed on his back on a training mat and faced Jimin who was hovering over him with the training knife at his throat.

"AISH!" Tae grunted and grimaced.

"Taehyung-ssi, you have to be quicker!" Jimin panted out and offered his hand to help Tae up. Taehyung grabbed the offered hand and hauled himself to his feet.

"Quicker my foot!" Tae complained. "I'm trying to move as fast as I can!"

"You move as fast as a snail," Jimin goaded him good naturedly. "Now take the knife from me. Just like I showed y-" His words were cut off as Taehyung grabbed Jimin's hands, twisted his wrist so that the knife clattered to the ground and tried to flick the smaller man over his shoulder ... only to fail epically and Tae found himself on his behind - again.


"You surprised me, I give you that. That was good," Jimin said and grinned. After grabbing two bottles of water from a nearby table, he plopped down onto the ground beside Taehyung and offered one bottle to the doctor.

"So there's hope yet?" Taehyung joked after he had guzzled half of the bottle in an attempt to regain his breath as well as hydration.

"Asshole!" Jimin exclaimed good naturedly and shoved him with his shoulder. "For someone who only spent the last years at the university and the hospital, you are fit."

Taehyung snorted at that.

"Yeah right. Tell that to my deltoid, trapezius and abdominal muscles tonight."

"Oooh sexy doctor talk!" The blonde taunted and stood up in one graceful move. Holding out his hand he hauled Tae to his feet. "We'll make a Kkangpae out of you yet!"

"Delightful!" Tae retorted in his broadest Daegu accent, mimicking the slightly old-fashioned mafia dialect used in his childhood movies. The two men headed for the communal showers of the training gym.

While the hot water was pounding down on his head and shoulders, Taehyung could not help but wonder how his life had turned upside down. Taking Jimin for example. That first morning after his abduction Tae would have never in a million years imagined becoming tentative friends with the blonde man. And yet ... here he was training with him and exchanging banter with an ease he had only ever known with his long life friend Soo-Hee. His parents would be appalled but then again they chose their friends according to the status and how they would be detriment in furthering said status.

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