Chapter Twenty

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"None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, 
yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have faith."
― Paulo Coelho

Yoongi was nervous. Since that morning no one had been able to contact Jungkook or knew about his whereabouts. He had tried contacting Uncle as the older man had told him that there was a meeting in the pipeline but so far, he had no luck. So when a call from an unknown number came in, he picked up immediately.

"Is this Min Yoongi?" a voice inquired.

"Who wants to know this?" Yoongi shot back

"Samchon-ssi needs medical assistance and he insisted on the Black Moon. We are about to reach your premise ..."

"Take the underground entrance for deliveries, we will pick you up there," Yoongi said and cut the call. While he left the office on a run, he almost barrelled into Taehyung and Hoseok.

"I need you, Taehyung-ssi!" Yoongi yelled and pulled the doctor with him.

"What is going on, Yoongi-ssi?"

"Uncle needs medical assistance ... you need to ready the infirmary," Yoongi said as all three men entered one of the lifts.


"He and Makarev were supposed to meet with Jeon Kwan," Yoongi explained. "I didn't know it was today ... and I can't reach Jungkook, he has disappeared after breakfast ..."

"WHAT?!" Taehyung yelled at Yoongi. "And you didn't tell me? Or any of us??"

"It slipped my mind, I was busy going over some files and data with Nam-joonie, okay!" Yoongi replied defensively. "I'm not his fucking babysitter or his caring boyfriend, that is your job!"

"Yoongi," Hoseok said softly. "No one is blaming you, Jungkook is old enough to take care of himself. But don't be mad at Tae, imagine it was Jimin ..."

"Shit ... yeah," the silver-haired man squeezed his eyes shut. "Sorry ..."

Tae bit his lower lip and nodded. "Ditto."

They reached the underground parking and soon a black SUV turned into the area for delivery vans. Several men Yoongi identified as cousins and nephews of Samchon – most of them honorary anyway – climbing out of the vehicle and half- carrying, half-dragging Uncle between them.

"Yoongi, I need Jin prepping the operating theatre." Taehyung went immediately into professional mode, already doing a triage while they carried the injured man towards the lift.

When Yoongi had Jin on the phone, Tae spoke calmly into the cell.

"Jin, we have an older male, chest wound, no apparent exit wound in the back. We'll be there in about five minutes."

They made it under four but Jin had managed to prep the small operating theatre just in time. Together they placed Samchon onto the table and while Jin was busy cutting the clothes off the man's body, Taehyung scrubbed his hands and pulled on a protective cover and head cap on.

As he was examining the wound and Jin was preparing the anaesthesia, the older man's eyes opened.

"Taehyung-ssi," he said and stared up at Taehyung.

"Uncle, you are at the Black Moon compound ..."

"Jungkook ..." Samchon said slowly and tried to push the mask away from his face that Jin wanted to place on him.

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