Chapter Eight

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First off, I am so sorry for not updating earlier but first I was at the hospital and when I was back home RL had to be prioritized.
Secondly, I had such difficulties with this particular chapter. It was all ready and just didn't gel. It still is wonky IMHO but that is as good as it gets, I think. I hope you'll enjoy!!!

                                     "Love has reasons which reason cannot understand."
                                                                                            - Blaise Pascal

The Violent Crimes Division of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency was on one of the higher floors of the SMPA building near the GyeongbokgungPalace compound in the Jongno district of Seoul. Inspector Oh Kang-Dae was a young, fit man in his thirties. He was Seoul born and from a very early age he had wanted to become a police officer. He was tall, with strong features and almost kdrama actor handsomeness if his nose had not been broken several times due to his hobby – boxing. Not that he cared much about his appearance. Usually he wore jeans, a t-shirt and his beaten leather jacket and only to official events he wore a suit or – gods forbid – his inspector uniform.

The man went through the files and notes of the police men who had first responded to the abduction of a young doctor at the YonseiSeveranceHospital.

Something did not add up. He had seen a lot of kidnappings in his day and age. There were three types of kidnappings: first for money – the abductee is set free in exchange for a lump sum; second for revenge – usually the one being kidnapped ended up dead because he had trusted or framed the wrong folks; and the third was staged. Someone wanted to get out of a situation and staged their kidnapping (and demise) to live somewhere else a new life. Neither of these options seemed to be applicable here. It genuinely seemed that Kim Taehyung had been kidnapped by mistake. The poor sod was either already dead or being used for whatever the mafia had a taste for at that moment.

He looked at the photographs of Kim Taehyung. He was handsome bordering on the beautiful and Oh Kang-Dae could imagine him ending up on some human trafficking market where some fat pervert would pay a lot of money for such a beautiful man. Not for the first time Inspector Oh hoped the victim was already dead. He had seen first hand what human trafficking and resulting prostitution could do to an unwilling victim.

He picked up his jacket from the back of his chair and passed the desks of his colleagues on his way out.

"Kang-Dae-ssi," he was hailed by rookie Assistant Inspector Cho Ji-hoon who was carrying two packages of Jumeokbap as his lunch. "I bought rice cakes for you, too."

"Eat and walk; we are going to YonseiSeveranceHospital." Inspector Oh replied while snatching the already open package from the younger man's hands.

Assistant Inspector Cho closed his mouth with an audible click, he knew better than to complain to his boss.

When they arrived at the underground parking deck, they parked close to the set of lifts that brought visitors to the different floors of the university hospital. There were still chalk marks on the cement floor a few metres away from the lifts in the direction of the exit nearest to the bus stop outside. Fortunately they knew what had happened because the kidnapping had been sloppily executed.

Surveillance cameras had captured the whole crime and it looked like Kim Taehyung had been completely unaware of the danger he had been in. However, Inspector Oh still was not sure why he had reacted to the wrong name. One of the cameras nearest the lifts had an audio file and one could clearly hear a male person calling 'Kim Taeyeon-ssi' after the young doctor.

Watching the underground parking lot, Oh pointed toward the place where Kim Taehyung had walked before he was abducted.

"Do me a favour and walk up to the second mark on the floor and tell me what you hear, Cho-ssi."

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