Chapter Fourteen

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"Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides." 
                                                                                                - Lao Tzu

Jin had stabilized Tae enough so they could rush him to the compound. The medic had phoned ahead so that at least the operation theatre was up and running. Still, he would have preferred to leave Taehyung in the care of real professionals. When Jungkook carried Taehyung inside and laid him on the operation table, Jin turned towards the sinks.

"Come here, and suit up, Kookie, when I have finished disinfecting, I need your help with this."

"Jin, I don't ..." Jungkook started but Jin turned around and angrily glared at their leader.

"You do!" He almost yelled. "I am so angry with you right now, because you let Kwan get to Tae. So the least you can do is help saving his damn life!"

"I told him to keep away from my father," Jungkook said angrily. "He knew my asshole of a father would insist of a trial by fire!"

"He is a doctor, you idiot. They swear an oath never to take a life!" Jin yelled. "And keep pressing those hands on his wound, or I swear, Jungkook, you will wake up tomorrow with a scalpel between your ribs!"

Jungkook frowned at his friend's words but kept the pressure up on Tae's wound. The young doctor did not look good, his skin colour was ashen and his breathing was very shallow.

"Here, let me," Jin said and they exchanged one pair of hands with another while Jungkook went to the sinks and disinfected his hands and arms, then slipped one of the surgery gowns on.

"Let's do this!" Jin said and while they exchanged positions again he got to work.

During Jin's work on Taehyung, Jungkook tried to blot out any outside distractions. He tried to ignore the bleeps of the heart monitor – sometimes frantic, sometimes steady. All he could do was watch as Jin tried to patch up the innards of Taehyung again. When he retrieved the bullet from the wound, Jin cursed. The heart rate monitor started beeping frantically and Jin yelled for Namjoon. The tall man came running and Jin told him to steady Taehyung who had started to get restless on the operating table.

"Put that mask on him, then turn the nitrous oxide on till the little red pointer has reached the second number on the scale," Jin demanded while he was busy stemming another bleeding inside Taehyung's wound. After about three hours, Jin snipped off the final surgical thread.

"Now we have to wait, and hope he doesn't get an infection," Jin said and cleaned up Taehyung's torso and abdomen as well as he could. Then started to put a pressure bandage onto the freshly sewn up wound.

"When will you know if he is okay or not?" Jungkook asked, staring down at his still blood stained hands.

"We will know when he survives ... IF he survives," Jin said and watched their leader closely. "You have two choices if he survives."

"Me? Why?" Jungkook asked and looked at Jin with a frown.

"Taehyung is not someone who should be used. He is far too pure for that," Jin said. "I noticed how you look at him and I am sure you will make the right choice."

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