Matched #8

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It was Sunday and The Qureshi enterprises was closed and Ayaan was sulking in his room. He had a very memorable night and he could still feel the softness of his beautiful secretary. He was having such a pleasant dream fulfilled that was disturbed by none other the so called friend of his. Ayaan was lying flat on his stomach. His bare torso was still having the sweat from his previous workout session and his thoughts all haywire.

"I never knew that my son is such a wimp.." commented Zaakir Qureshi and his face was adorned with a well known scowl on his face that was similar to his son's.

Ayaan turned and looked at his father already dressed. He never failed to get amazed how his father was still going strong with age. It's not just his professional life but his personal life as well.

"Are you two going out?" Ayaan asked but instead his father threw a towel on his son choosing not to answer his one and only son.

"Get ready and yes, we were going for lunch but your mother has changed the plans now I think she knows that unless she meddles in your affairs she won't be getting any grandchild soon." His father's words made Ayaan mirror his father's scowl.

His parents sometimes think that he was still a baby. Well he was one for his mother. he thought with an annoyance.

She was sure that she wouldn't be getting any grandchildren soon if she didn't meddle in her son's love life.

Ayaan knew that if he didn't obliged to his father's words than he will be for the verbal lashing soon. No matter how old he gets, his leash was still in the hands of his parents. His life was just not easy. He was expected to get settled and have children as soon as possible. Something that could only be accomplished if he has a wife by his side but his track record for getting a date was worse then anyone could expect.

Till now all he had gotten were annoying, bitchy and spoilt heiresses who were eager to open their legs as soon as he was in their company but none of them was carrying the warmth that could make him feel home.

"Ayaan Qureshi you better get ready, it took me hours to get the reservation at your mother's favourite restaurant and I have to cancel just because your mother thinks that meddling in our son's love life is much more important." Zaakir's loud voice echoed in the humongous suite like room of his son And his son got the cue and ran immediately out of his vicinity not taking the chance to get any more refined lashing from his father.

"Zaakir is Ayaan ready?" Shaista came all dressed and she looked at the State of Ayaan's room and her eyes went towards the crushed rose in one corner and looked at her husband.

"Did you ask him Zaakir?" Shaista asked and Zaakir nodded not letting his wife get cross with him.

She had asked him to tell Ayaan that they were going out to look into the matter of the orphanage and set up a trust but Zaakir had forgotten to ask Ayaan and now he had drop the entire blame on Ayaan knowing that Ayaan could come out easily from his mother's angry mood than him.

"I did Shaista, but he was not ready.. he was sulking. God knows what he was doing till now. Sometimes I think that how can my son is like this.." he said with a passive voice and then continued.

"he is so unemotional Shaista.. I mean how can he blame us for not approaching the lady he likes, Ayaan doesn't even know how to talk to a lady. Have you seen how he treated Haya last night. I could tell that Haya was not comfortable with him. That dim wit son of mine doesn't even know how to make a lady Comfortable." Zaakir huffed.. and Ayaan who was listening to his father's kind words came wiping his face. Meanwhile, Shaista pulled out some clothes for her that would make him look acceptable.

"Here take this and don't you dare to use that hair gel. You use too much of that and I really don't know what is your obsession with hair gel. Believe me I am going to get you enrolled in some grooming classes if you don't get change. Make sure you look presentable Ayaan ",  Ayaan was annoyed of his mother now. He was treated like some three year old sometimes.

"Mom, I am the CEO do you think that.. I, he pointed towards himself.. "as the boss is not presentable enough or I look what Baba called me.. ha.. wimp.." Ayaan cribbed and he father consoled his poor son.

"Son, you as the CEO is doing good but when it comes to your casual looks your mother is bit worried. You all these years have never entertained any lady that she could be her daughter in law."

His father's comment made him retort back.

"I just did last night in that awful ball where most of the people were either bored or doing something productive. I even caught Sameera and Azaan making out in that boring ball mum.." Ayaan cribbed only be dragged by his dearest mother and his father in tow only answering to him.

"Son, you are absolutely clueless. You can't treat a lady like you did last night. Learn something or you are going to loose her... Women are delicate you don't hold them like a sack of potatoes or behave like a caveman forcing them to dance."


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