Starry eyes sparking up my darkest night

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Taylor and Joe had technically been friends with benefits for a week now, and both of them were reaping the rewards. When they weren't together, they were texting or FaceTiming. If anything, this arrangement had brought them even closer as friends. Taylor knew that if she needed to, she could message Joe whenever and he would reply instantaneously, or would even come over if she wanted him to, and vice versa. In fact, Taylor was pretty exhausted from sex almost every night, but it was a good kind of exhaustion. She felt distracted, and that was a benefit, especially considering everything that was going on at the moment.

 Not only was she still suffering from the breakup with Tom, but the world seemed to hate her at the moment. With all the Kim and Kanye drama going on, the media and the general public had turned on her, and she didn't know how to handle it at all. She wasn't used to being rejected in such a major way, and the backlash really hurt her, and no matter how much her friends tried to comfort her, she couldn't feel better about it. She refused to go anywhere in public unless absolutely necessary, and avoided the paps at all times. Anything to avoid speculation about which boy she had picked up that she'd throw away next week, like they always wrote about her. 

Taylor was having one of those nights where she just overthought everything. Selena had come over for lunch and been her usual cheery self, but something just bothered her. She was jealous of the fact that Selena was so adored by the public, that she was America's sweetheart, that she could do no wrong. She knew all of this was absolutely valid and true because Selena was literally the best, but it just hurt knowing it wasn't the same for herself. After Selena left, she'd pretty much been doing nothing all afternoon, just messing around on the piano and playing with the cats. But it was in the evening when she started to spiral. 

She was scrolling through her Tumblr and twitter feeds looking at what her fans were posting (they were all adorable, nothing negative there), but then she switched to instagram and checked the comments on her posts. She knew what was coming, it wasn't really a surprise, but it still hurt nonetheless. Her comment section could've been a zoo with the amount of snake emojis that filled it. Comments such as 'I hate this bitch' and 'finally she's over' stuck out at her. It was like people were waiting for her downfall, and she couldn't handle it. She had to put her phone down and take some deep breaths to try and control herself, but she couldn't. The tears came out fast and hard and she just sat there shaking for a while.

After that little episode, she knew there was only one person she would talk to right now. Joe. She needed him, not sexually, but emotionally. She picked her phone up again and dialled his number.

"Well hello Miss Swift, what a lovely surprise!"

"Hey Joe"

"What can I do for you T?"

"Is there any chance you can come over now? I need you."

"Sure, I'll be there in 10."

"See you in a bit, bye"

Taylor slumped on the sofa. He probably thought this was just a regular booty call which is why he agreed to come over. Maybe he'll be disappointed when he got here and she didn't want to do anything tonight with him. Her mind spiralled. She stopped herself from thinking those negative thoughts. They might be friends with benefits, but they were friends first and foremost, she knew he would support her and comfort her when she needed him.

After a while she heard a knock on the door. Finally. She went to let him in and as she opened the door she was met with his passionate embrace as he kissed her and picked her up, placing her legs around his waist. He carried her immediately to the bedroom and laid her down, kissing her all over. Taylor knew she had to stop him because she needed someone to speak to right now, not someone to fuck, but damn he was good and she didn't want him to stop. He was about to remove her clothes when he looked into her eyes. He focused on her face, just noticing the fresh tear streaks. She'd been crying. This wasn't a booty call he realised. He'd been too wrapped up in her body to pay attention to HER. He stopped suddenly and sat up, pulling her up with him. 

"This wasn't a booty call was it?"

She looked down, averting her eyes from his, and shook her head. The tears started to fall again.

"Taylor please don't cry, come here" He wrapped his arms around her and rocked her back and forth, stroking her hair.

"I'm sorry I should've realised this wasn't a booty call, you should've stopped me"

"I know, but I didn't want to, you were making me feel better already"

"Well that's one way to feel better, but we really should talk about why you're upset. Please tell me, I just want to help you"

She sighed, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Nothing that I'm not used to you know, just the usual 'the whole world hates me' stuff, no big deal"

Tears were pouring down her face now, and unable to stop them, she just pressed her face against Joe's chest, dampening his shirt. He could feel the tears against his body, and all he wanted to do was comfort her.

"Taylor, don't let strangers opinions of you affect you, when you know that your family, your friends, and me, the ones that truly know you still support you no matter what. You can't let them get to you, this is what they want."

"I know Joe but sometimes it's just too damn hard knowing that everyone is against you. It's like it's just me against the world, I can't handle it."

"First of all, not everyone is against you and you know that. Think of all your fans that love and support you and are going through it all with you right now. And secondly, it's not just you against the world, it's you and me against the world."

She looked up at him thankfully. He always knew what to say. He always knew how to make her feel better. Just with a flash of his blue eyes, he could spark up her darkest nights.

"Can you just hold me for a while, I just need someone right now"

"I'll stay the night with you, I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here for you"

And with that, the two lay down under the covers and just held each other. Joe's strong arms reached around her tiny frame, pulling her towards him. She hooked a leg around him and closed her eyes, trying to escape from it all. She fell asleep pretty quickly in the comfort of his arms, but it took him longer. He stared at her sleeping for a while, she just looked so peaceful with her eyes closed. He stroked her golden hair and placed kisses on her forehead intermittently, and caressed her back up and down with his other hand. He was in full protection mode right now. He didn't know why, but whenever he was around her, he just had this animal like instinct that he needed to look after her, no matter what. 

He knew in this moment, with her lying in his arms, that he would do anything to make sure she was safe.

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