Baby Nerves - Seb

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Thank you ferserna  for requesting!! I hope you enjoy!

You swore time was moving slower than a snail as you stared at the pregnancy test on your bathroom counter. You had been staring for what felt like hours when really it was only about two minutes. You left the bathroom, in hopes to distract yourself, making your 4 year old son run over to you, immediately wrapping his arms around you. You smiled and reached down, picking him up.

You walked into the kitchen, placing him down at the kitchen table and grabbing snacks before handing some to him. Sebastian joined the two of you in the kitchen, giving you a questioning look to which you shrugged in response.

About ten minutes later, maybe twelve, you placed your son in the living room, the boy immediately drawn to the tv. You walked to the bathroom, Sebastian trailing behind you.

"Ready?" he asked, looking at you

"If I say no do I still have to look?" You asked

"Yes" he answered as he laughed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. The two of your flipped the test over, immediately turning to each other as Sebastian picked you up in celebration. You were pregnant.


Months went by, Sebastian was as caring as ever, just as he was during your first pregnancy. You were away at the doctors, finding out the gender of the baby. Sebastian decided to stay behind for this as he wanted to be surprised, so he was sat in your son's room, the father-son duo goofing around and playing with toys.

"I'm back!" you announced as you found them in your sons room.

"How'd it go mama?" your son asked

"It was fine, I know the gender!" you said happily, making Sebastian cover his ears his replied, "tell me at the party not now!"


At the gender reveal party, everyone gathered around you and Sebastian as you opened the giant box. Pink balloons and confetti popped out, making everyone cheer. And ever since that day, Sebastian has been more nervous than ever for his baby girl.

He would talk to your belly a lot, just going on and on. He'd talk to your son about the baby, who was very excited to be a big brother. But you also remembered how would sit up on the phone with his parents, going on about how he felt like a first time parent again, his nerve everywhere.

He currently sat in the nursery, after just finishing building the crib.

"Honey? Are you okay?" you asked walking in

"Yeah. I'm just, I'm so excited" he said, walking over to you

"Then why is your heart beating so fast?"you laughed quietly after leaning against him

"I'm nervous. I just want the best for my baby girl"

Word Count: 472
Written: 7/22/21-7/23/21
Published: 7/23/21

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