Sledding - Bucky

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"Bucky watch out!" you whisper shouted just seconds before a few objects came tumbling down onto both yourself and Bucky

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"Bucky watch out!" you whisper shouted just seconds before a few objects came tumbling down onto both yourself and Bucky.

You winced slightly as the last one fell, you and Bucky sharing a look as you listened to see if anyone would come. When no one did, the two of you quickly picked things back up before racing out of the room with the main object. Captain America's Shield.

It was winter, winter meant snow covering the ground, at least that's what everyone wanted. You, luckily, had been blessed with blankets of snow on the ground, covering the hills and streets. So naturally, why not go sledding?

When you ran the idea past Bucky the man immediately agreed, eager to play in the snow with you. So the two of you raced outside and ran up the hill bundled in jackets and hats.

"Ready Buck?!" you exclaimed as you sat on the shield, Bucky sitting behind you

"Uh.. No?" he said, looking around toward the ground

"Don't worry, you won't fall I promise I'll hold on" You reassured, the man's arms wrapping around your waist

"Y/n?! Bucky?! Give me that shield!" You heard Steve shout making the two of you turn to see Steve coming toward you as Sam stood off to the side, laughing while sipping hot chocolate. Tony joined him, as well as Natasha who had a camera recording. Scott Lang stood off to the side, beginning to build a snowman with Cassie before the two turned to watch you and Bucky.

"Don't freeze Steve! Now Barnes now" you yelled laughing, signaling for Bucky to give the push off and he did just that. The two of you flew down the hill, screaming and laughing the whole way before reaching the bottom and slowing. You tumbled off the side once safely landing, Bucky being pulled with you.

"Well that was fun" Bucky sighed, looking up at you who was laying on top of him

"Round two?" you asked, pressing a small kiss to his lips before jumping up and bringing him with you.

"God, you two, give me the shield" Steve said, sighing as he shook his head.

Quickly, you tossed it to Scott who jumped up and grabbed Cassie, the two about to have more fun than ever.

Word Count: 385

Written: August 10, 2021- September 26, 2021
Published: September 26, 2021

Woohoo im still alive!

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