Scuba Diving~ Sebastian Stan

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*The boat in the picture is different from the one I imagined when writing*

Credits to reputationstan13 for giving me this idea! ❤

The waves crashed along side the shore, the seagulls flew above, making obnoxious noises as they did.

You smiled as you looked over the side of the boat, looking into the water for a few seconds.

Going to turn, you were stopped by a pair on hands on your hips.

"We're almost there"

They whispered in your ear before pressing a kiss behind your ear.

You turned and grinned at the man that was now in front of you.

"Can't wait"


"Alright, you're set to go"


Sebastian asked as he looked at you. His eyes trailed down your boat before meeting your eyes again.

You nodded and grabbed his hand before you both jumped into the water.

The cool water was nice on your warm skin. You looked around, searching for Sebastian when he came up behind home, making you nearly jump out of the water.

You glared at him before swimming away, him following you quickly.

You both swam, just enjoying the water, occasionally popping out of the water and taking your mask (and such off, idk what the words are for it) and talking before going under again.

You looked at Sebastian as he grabbed your hand, he pointed and you followed his finger until you saw what was there.

There was schools of fish, just swimming around as if no one else was around.

You both swam over, looking at the fish and wildlife, including the coral and plants you saw.


Once back on the boat, you headed back to the docks, tired from the day of swimming.

Many pictures had been taken, and you were having the time of your life.

"Did you have fun today princess?"

"Yea, did you?"

He nodded and took you into his arms. Holding you and giving you small kisses until it was time to leave the boat.

Word Count: 333

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