Remember~ Bucky

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This was a request from my lovely friend Sorrelthebrownie_pt2 (follow them if you aren't already, they are amazing and their writing is absolutely amazing)

Thank you for the request! I hope you like it❤❤


"Doll, I'll be fine"

"You know I worry"

"Well don't worry, I promise you I'm coming back after this"

Bucky kissed his girlfriend of almost a year goodbye and boarded the train with the rest of the people. She was swallowed up in the crowd of people waving goodbye as the train sped away.

He never did return.


*for the sake of the story, let's say y/n is like Steve and Bucky, technically old in age but looks like she's 24 or something*

Y/n walked into her house blindly, nearly tripping over the toys scattered on the floor. Her arms were wrapped around two grocery bags that blocked her vision.

"Little help here?"

She called out to what seemed to be an empty house. Her mother came running in, taking on of the bags and smiling.

"Sorry dear, you know how Becca is"

She just nodded and set off for the kitchen to. Put things away. All was peaceful, the sun was shining, no clouds in the sky, people were out and about. What could possibly go wrong?

Answer: everything.

Now, Y/n and her family lived, well, adoptive family as no one from her real family was alive (they all thought she died when really she was just sleeping for like 70 years). She was with Steve at times but usually stayed with her small family.

They lived in a more closed off area, yes they had neighbors but they were about a block or so away.

That evening, as Y/n just finished the dishes, she got this weird sinking feeling within her stomach. Thinking it was possibly just the food she ate, dad never was the best cook.

However, the sound of her front door being broken in made her stomach sink more and her whole body froze.

Definitely not dad's cooking.

She reached for a knife as she crept out of the kitchen, she was unsure of where her parents and Becca were until she gasped but quickly backed away and threw a hand over her mouth. Her father was lying on the ground, she only hoped they were all okay.

A shadow overcame her making her whip around with a knife raised. However, when it came in contact with metal, she opened her eyes, gasping again.

The person, the winter soldier, was in front of her, and he grabbed her arm. Pushing her into the wall.

She didn't know what to do. But she looked at him with pleading eyes, hoping she wasn't about to die.

I know those eyes....

Those steel blue eyes....


She whispered loud enough for him to hopefully hear.

The man himself backed away and froze, staring at her.

He didn't speak, just stared at her. She whispered the name again, looking for a reaction.

Finally, the man ran into her arms, nearly knocking her down.


"Yeah...bucky, oh my god, what happened to you"

She spoke as she wrapped her arms around him best she could.

"I- I'll explain everything, but you need to hide. Now"

"But why? Bucky this is insane-"

"Y/n please. I need you to hide. I was supposed to kill you"

He winced

"I should not have that."

He ushered her to the basement and found the small room they had. He put pushed her in there (gently of course) and attempted a smile (he hasn't smiled in over 70 years, how was he supposed to know he ended up looking like someone who was gonna poop themselves)

"I'll come back for you, okay? Just please stay safe. If I come back and you're gone, I'll find you. Okay? Somehow I will get back here"

Y/n nodded, he hugged her once before putting on a stone cold, emotionless face and walked out of sight.

Word Count: 674

A/N: I'm not sure how I did on this. What did you all think?

I hope you are all well and staying safe! Lots of love :)

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