Brother's Enemy (2)~Bucky

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It had been a week since Bucky had kissed you.

You didn't know how to take it. Was it a joke? Was it serious? Why did he do it?!

You had so many questions floating through your head and you knew if you didn't talk to him soon, everyone would catch on to you avoiding him.

The only one that didn't seem to care was your brother.


You kept your eyes focused on Steve and Tony as they discussed a mission you all had gone on a few days ago.

They were pointing out things that went well, and things that didn't go so well.

"Y/n, you'll be joining me and Bucky in training later today, correct?"


He nodded and Tony ended the meeting a few minutes later. You waited until everyone else had walked out to leave. But, Bucky had also stayed behind to talk to you.


You looked at him and ran a hand through your hair.

"Please, can we, talk?"


You nodded for him to follow as you walked out of the room, leading him to yours. Wanda saw you both and sent a smirk in your direction. You shook your head at her before letting Bucky into your room and shutting the door.

He sat across from you in a chair as you sat on your bed

"Look...I'm really sorry about kissing you but I- I really like you and I don't know I wanted to kiss you..."

He looked down at the ground and fumbled with his hands, refusing to look up at you.

"Bucky...I really like you too"

"You- you do?"

You nodded and smiled, standing up as he did. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him.

"So, will you be my girlfriend?"

You nodded at his words and his smile grew.

"What about Sam? You two don't get along at all"

"I'll handle your brother"

You playfully rolled your eyes, knowing it would probably be you. He leaned closer to you and pressed his lips to yours.

Your hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him in more before you both pulled away.

He smiled down on you before a knock was heard at your door.

"Who is it?"

You asked, hoping it wasn't Sam

"It's your brother"


You turned to look at Bucky and pointed to the couch, quickly handing him a book. He immediately opened the book and started reading.

You opened the door and allowed Sam in, but he stopped when he saw Bucky. He pointed out into the hall and you followed him.

"What's up?"

"What's up with you? You seem off...and why is metal man in your room?"

His voice was laced with concern, but changed to annoyance when he mentioned Bucky. You stared at your brother for a minute before answering

"Nothing is up..we were just talking about a book series and he asked if he could read the book"

Sam stared at you, clearly not believing you, but you just sighed and went back to your room, locking your door as you did.

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