Paper Rings~ Seb

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A/N: This isn't gonna be like the other ones where I put the lyrics and such, I was just inspired by the song to do this. You can listen to the song during the chapter but you don't have to!

~ Age 8~

You and Sebastian met on the playground, just like you guys did every Saturday. Your moms went over to a bench, sitting and chatting as you two ran throughout the playground, laughing and yelling.

You played games, went on the swings and more. After a few hours, you begged your mom to let him come over for dinner, and he begged his mom. They finally agreed and off you went to your house.

At your house, you and Seb played in your room with all your toys, you even read some of y/f/b to him. You wouldn't know this til later on, but he loved to hear you read, it was just so calming.

He loved you, he would marry you right now if he could. What he didn't know, was you loved him, and you would marry him too.

You were only eight, yet you both knew you loved each other.


"Yes Seb?"


He was interrupted by a yell "Dinner!"

"What is it Seb?"

"N-never mind"

And he slowly walked out your room heading to the dining room for dinner. You followed him, a little bummed he didn't say anything.

"Sebastian wait"

You pulled him back,

"Please...tell me, because I have something to tell you"

"Okay, we'll say it together on three?"

You nodded and both immediately smiled.

"Will you marry me?"

"Will you marry me?"

You both had pulled out paper rings from your pockets. Giggling as you both blushed.


You both shouted before slipping on the rings and running to kitchen.

~Age 18~


Sebastian called to you as he approached you after school. He jogged over to you, swinging an arm around your waist and picked you up.


You squealed, hitting his arm softly. He released you, and started to walk down the side walk with you to his car.

"You ready for our date tonight?"

"Of course, I can't believe we started dating four years ago"

"Yeah...why'd we wait so long though?"

"We were worried remember?"

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