The Couch~Sebastian Stan

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Anthony quickly made his way up the stairs behind you. You were heading to your boyfriend, Sebastian's apartment, when Anthony got the idea to tag along.

He had never been to Sebastian's apartment until now. Yet he always talks about his couch. You smiled as you reached the door and used your key to unlock it.

Seb wasn't home, so the timing was just perfect.

You and Anthony entered the apartment, you closing the door and playing your bags on the counter in the kitchen.

"Oooo yeah!"

You giggled as you walked into the living room area (which was pretty much right outside the kitchen) and saw Anthony making himself comfortable on the couch.

"Having fun?"

"Hell yea! This couch is amazing! Just like I dreamed"

You laughed and pressed a finger to your lips as he was much more loud than normal.

"Hey, have you guys had se-"

"Anthony, don't make me regret this"

"Fine, fine, but doesn't that mean ye-"



~That was three weeks ago~

You, Sebastian, and Anthony walk into the interview, you taking a seat in the middle chair, both boys on either side of you.

"Hi, I'm Rachel! Lovely to meet you all"

The interviewer said as she took a seat across from you.

You each waved with a small hello as she looked through her questions.

"So let's start off with Y/n and Sebastian's relationship, how's that going?"

You smiled as you looked at Seb, biting your lip when his eyes met yours.

"It's going great"

Seb answered as Mackie acted like he was puking.

"Anthony do you ever feel like a third wheel?"

"Ya know, sometimes I think I am, but then I see them laughing and all and I just think I'm the dad, just kinda hovering to make sure he doesn't hurt her"

You smiled at him before turning back to Rachel.

"If anything, I'm the third wheel, the bromance between these two guys is just, I don't even know"


"So Anthony, you tend to mention Sebastian's couch a lot, anything to add on it?"

"That couch is just so, perfect. I've never ever seen a couch so amazing! It's so cool too-"

"You've never even been to my apartment!"

Sebastian interjected and laughed

You smiled a little and covered your face, as Mackie smirked

"Y/n? Love, why are you hiding your face?"


Anthony laughed as he couldn't take it anymore,

"I was in your apartment three weeks ago!"

"Mackie! You weren't supposed to say it yet"

You murmured as you looked at him, Rachel couldn't stop her laughter as you three spoke.


Sebastian whined

"You took him to our home?"

"I'm sorry, I just had to"

"I can confirm that all my statements about that couch have been proven correct"

Mackie smiled, very proud of himself.


Back at Seb's apartment, Mackie had placed his stuff by the door and quickly rushed to use the bathroom.

You sat onto the couch next to Sebastian, smiling when his arm made it's way around your waist.

In a spilt second, he had you laying underneath him, his arms on either side of your head holding himself up.

"How could you bring my best friend here, without telling me?"

You shrugged as you looked at him

"Ya know, I just kinda, brought him and figured I'd tell you later on"

He shook his head at your answer and leaned down, kissing you. When he pulled away, he mumbled


Before pressing his lips to yours again. You smiled into the kiss and moved your arm up, wrapping them around his neck.

Anthony came out of the bathroom a moment later and groaned as he saw you both kissing.

Seb pulled away as he heard Mackie.

"At least let me sit on the couch before you guys have sex on it!"


You looked at him and shook your head before pulling Sebastian back in for another kiss.




Okay I actually had fun with this one.

Word Count: 674

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