Somebody I Used To Know~Bucky

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"But I knew her"

The thought stayed in Bucky's mind day and night. It haunted him.

He knew her.

But he couldn't remember how or why he did. Was she one of HYDRA, no she's best friends with Steve....

She knows Steve's past. She knows stuff you can't read in the museum.

She knew him.

She always tried to talk to him, but started to give him some space when he appeared to be lost and confused. She didn't want to scare him.

He asked around the Avengers tower.

He asked everyone.

He knew he knew her. But he couldn't remember who she was fully. Sure he knew her name. But how was she in my life?

Was she a friend? Girlfriend? Definitely not family. A- no not a child.

Slowly, it was like she was fading away. Like she became none existent.

When Bucky awoke in Wakanda, his first thought was of her.

When Steve walked in, Bucky jumped up, immediately questioning where she was.

Steve, however, gave Bucky a puzzled look.

"What are you on about Buck?"

"The girl! Y/n! Where is she?"

"Y/n? Who's Y/n?"

"Steve don't joke with me. Where is she?"

"I'm not joking, who is that? Did you meet her while you were on the run before we found you....?"

Steve questioned as he stared at his best friend. Bucky studied him, he knew he wasn't lying. He really didn't know who she was. But she knew him.

How was it that she knew Steve and everyone, but they didn't know her?

Bucky shook his head and sighed.

Days later, Shuri allowed him into her lab and he asked if he could use the computer. When she agreed, he immediately (with the help of Shuri) looked up any information on the 'mystery woman' as one of team members had labeled her.

But, he found nothing.

It haunted him for months. Months and month he thought about her. He knew what she sounded like, what she looked like, what she smelled like, her eyes, her hair, everything. Yet she didn't exist.

Or so that's how it seemed.

She's just somebody that he used to know.

Word Count: 365

A/N: Well, I'm not sure if this made sense, but hopefully you enjoyed (I can do my best to explain if needed)

Would you guys want a part 2 to this? Or just leave it how it is?

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