11. Airport Fight

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Kaia's pov

When I wake up, it's already almost time to get to the airport. I get some leggings on and a tank top. I hope dad has made me my own suit or I might get hurt from falling or something. I throw my hair up so its out of my face and head down the hall to dad's room.

As I'm walking down the hall looking for dads room number, I run into Happy who is walking out of his own hotel room.

His eyes widen a bit.

"Kaia! what are you doing out of your room?"

"Uhm, I'm trying to find my dads room. I forgot what room number it was."

"Oh it's 158, a few more rooms down." he said as he suddenly slammed the door shut and stood in front of the door.

"uh are you good Happy?" I give him a look.

"Yep. I'm fine."

I give him a look like I know he's hiding something or someone.

"Happy, are you hiding a girl in there? cause if you are, I wont tell my Dad."

"Uh yes. There's a girl in here. Thanks for not telling your dad. Go find his room now." He said, looking a bit relieved.

I walk to the suite Happy said where dad was and knock on the door.

My dad opens in and practically pulls me in.

"Kaia, what are you wearing?"

"uh clothes. aren't I going to help?"

"No. you're too y- well, you don't have enough training. Everyone that you've trained against is going to be there and they know your fight pattern. it's just not safe for you." he told me as he pulled a shirt on.

"that's not fair! what am I supposed to do? Just sit all day in my room? And what do you mean I don't have enough training? Natasha has been teaching me how to fight for years now!"

"Look, I thought you could be our first aid person on the jet. That way you can help in case someone gets majorly hurt. We trained you in first aid after all. I know you think you're ready to fight with us, but you're still healing, and would rather keep you safe at a distance than have you hurt yourself again."

"Okay." I sighed.


We have arrived at the airport. Everyone is now off the jet except me. I'm waiting in a seat. Since dad had Friday move the jet into a more hidden spot so i'm not at risk to get hurt.

I set up the little drone he gave me, and turned it on.

It's already outside so I turn it on and start flying it around.

The picture quality is amazing, and dad made it small enough to where it was hardly visible, and it was really quiet. I can even zoom in on the camera!

I forgot my dad gave me a communicator to ear in my ear because suddenly I hear talking.

"Testing, Kaia, can you hear me?"

"Sure can." I responded.

A few moments after, Steve walked over with I guess his "team." It's so weird to see the avengers fighting against each other. Since I could only hear "my team" I was hearing basically a one sided conversation.

I accidentally zoned out because there was too much talking, but I gained focus just in time to look out of the window and hear my dad shout "underoos!"

Spiderman swings in.

While he swings, he grabs Steve's shield. He completely caught Steve off guard.

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