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" The Windborne Bard

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" The Windborne Bard. "

Yorknew City. It never seems to fail to be bustling with people every single day. The roads were packed with various vehicles , waiting to reach its destination. A young bard in green gazes up at the starry night as his fingers strung on his lyre. He was waiting for a friend of his outside a museum as They planned to have dinner together after years.

,,  You seem to be the same as always, (Y/n) , " The bard flinched at the smooth voice and looked to see a gentleman with brown hair.

,, Hah! You too, old man! " (Y/n)  exclaimed as he gave a gleeful smile to the gentleman.

,, We should be going, i know a good place with splendid food,"  Zhongli stated as he gestured the way to the restaurant.

As the two reached the restaurant, they found themselves a table at the far end of the room. Zhongli started to look through menu as (Y/n) adjusted their green cape around his shoulders.

,, So Morax, have you heard anything from... the others? " (Y/n)  asked, smirking at the retired Geo archon.

,, Unfortunately No, although i did manage to get in touch with Beelzebul, " Zhongli started.

,,  But she has other matters to attend to, " Zhongli continued, letting out a sigh In the process.

,, Aw... That's such a pity, " (Y/n)  whined.

,,  Also... Are you sure we can afford such delicacies in this restaurant? Is there  any wine? "

,,  My boss will cover the expenses and No, There is no wine in this restaurant , You drunkard, " Zhongli said as he raised his hand up, preparing to order.

After eating, (Y/n) sighed in relief after eating delicious food after a long time. Zhongli used a napkin to wipe of excess food from hid mouth and folded it neatly.

,,  Oh yes, (Y/n), Have you found yourself a proper job yet? " The gentleman asked the bard before the bard let out a chuckle.

,,  (Y/n)  ... You really need to get a job. Being a bard will not  do any good in terms of finances, " Zhongli said as he rubbed his nose.

,, Well... Singing and composing songs is what i love, including the freedom, " (Y/n)  said winking at his friend.

,, You drunkard... " Zhongli sighed as he sipped his tea he ordered.

,, Did you know that the Hunter Exam starts in 2 weeks?" (Y/n)  perked up as he overheard from another table.

,,  Yeah! It attracts a lot of people since the contents of the exam  change every year, " Another said.

Hmm... Interesting...

,, Hey Zhongli... " The gentleman gazed at the bard.

,, Do you know about this ' Hunter Exam' " (Y/n)  asked Zhongli.

,, Yes... I heard about it during work, it's quite fasinating... "

,, That's great, because i think i'm going to take the Exam! "(Y/n)  told Zhongli, beaming with pride.

,,  Then be cautious, You can't use that vision trick since visions are now a legend, " Zhongli warned the bard.

,, And 2 weeks doesn't seem enough to practice on your Nen, so try to limit your usage of your anemo powers, (Y/n), " Zhongli advised as he placed down his cup of tea.

,, I know i know , Zhongli! " The bard reassured him.

,, Then... I heard that there'll be a boat to reach the examination site this year, you should take it, " Zhongli said before standing up.

,,  This will be fun, " (Y/n)  also stood up from his seat before strumming his lyre.




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