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" Choices "

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" Choices "

➶➶➶➶➶ - ➷➷➷➷➷

3rd Person POV

Dolle Harbor, the squad's destination.It was the closest harbor to the Hunter Examination. As (Y/n), Kurapika and Leorio descended from the ship, there were crowds of applicants on the busy streets of the harbor. (Y/n) started to grin at the lively atmosphere.

,, Wow! This is gonna be so exciting!" The bard exclaimed as he stretched his sore muscles.

,, Must enjoy travelling, huh? " Kurapika commented as the trio walked over to the nearest map.

,, Of course! I get to learn more about the current events and play my tunes to different locals, " (Y/n) said.

As the three reached the map, Gon caught up with them. When he got off of the ship, he was pulled away by the captain. After a few minutes, The four of you stared at the map.

,, So the captain told you that the shortcut is at the top of the hill? " (Y/n) repeated what Gon told him a while ago as his (e/c) eyes continued to analyze the big map.

,, Well thats weird, "Leorio said making the others turn towards him.

,, What is? " Gon asked.

,, On the letter of notice we received, the exam venue is somewhere in Zaban City, " The tall man explained as he showed the letter to Gon and Kurapika. [ y/n was beside leorio to his right]

,, We are here, right? " Leorio said as he pointed at the map. ,, The Pine tree and Zaban City are at oppodite ends. "

,, Maybe you heard it wrong"Kurapika stated as Gon shook his head in disagreement.

,, No, I'm sure Captain told me to head towards the tree, "Gon replied.

Kurapika contemplated for a moment as Leorio started to get frustrated about the letter. (Y/n) was also wondering why the Captain's advice and the letter contradict each other. Maybe this is another one of those test? The bard thought. Man, give me a break...

,, Searching for the venue based on the limited information in the letter, I suppose that's prerequisite of the Hunter Exam. "Kurapika claimed as (Y/n) nodded his head.

,, This could just be another test, " (Y/n) commented.

,, I know that without you two having to say it!" leorio barked as he looked at Kurapika and (Y/n)

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