↳ Song 17

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' Finals begin!  '

➶➶➶➶➶ - ➷➷➷➷➷

,, Then, we shall start the exam's Final Phase,"

The time has finally arrived. This was the only chance our main character will get to pass this Hunter exam, although (Y/n) does have more than enough time but that isn't the point. The first battle of the Final Phase was about to commence in a few minutes. In the middle of the fighting area, Gon was tying his shoes laces, ensuring that his shoe will not slip off during the battle.A few metres away from Gon's left was Hanzo, who was stretching his arms. Hanzo furrowed his eyebrows as he glanced over to the bard, who was at the sidelines alongside the other applicants. An irk mark slowly appeared as he recalled his time with (Y/n)  at Zevil Island. That bard... I'll make sure i'll win this...

,,  The first match is Hanzo versus Gon, Please step forward, " one of the staff announced.

(Y/n), Ei and the crew cautiously watched as Gon and Hanzo stepped out and walk towards the staff member. Gon kept his eye onto his opponent as Hanzo's ones remained forward. The two made eye contact as soon as they turn to face one another.

,,  I will serve as the referee, My name is Masta, Best of luck, " The staff member introduced himself.

,, Hey, good to see you again, " Hanzo began as Masta turned his head towards him.

,, You were tailing me during the fourth phase, " Hanzo continued as he gave a smile towards the staff member.

,, You noticed? " Masta commented.

,, Naturally... I'm assuming that each applicant wqs assigned an examiner for the fourth phase, " Hanzo explained as he glance towards Gon.

,, Well, I'm sure  everyone else noticed, "

,, Huh? I didn't know that! " (Y/n)  exclaimed as his bottom lip fell.

,, Honestly, Bard, I couldn't sense your examiner when we were working together, so it's fine that you didn't notice them, " Hanzo gave (Y/n) the side eye as the bard let out a small laugh.

,, I thought it wasn't worth mentioning, " Kurapika blankly stated as he looked at Leorio, who let out an obviously hesitant reply.

,, It's fine to tell the truth, Leorio, I too did not realise that, " Ei mentioned as she patted Leorio back.

You noticed it, didn't  you? (Y/n) pursed his lips as he doubted Ei's answer. Hanzo began to praise himself and Masta before his index finger pointed at the staff member.

,, I have a question for you, "

,, What is it? " Masta asked as the ninja's upper eyelids fell.

,, We only win if our opponent surrenders, correct? It doesn't count if we knock them unconscious, no TKOs allowed ,  either " Hanzo questioned.

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