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'Free fall? '

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'Free fall? '

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3rd Person POV

,, So, none of you passed to the next phase. Exam's over!"

Most of the applicant were flabbergasted by the result. Not even a single person had pass the Second Phase. From a distance, Satotz brought down his binoculars as he witness the result of the Second Phase.

,, Just as I feared, She's reverted to her bad habits, "Satotz said as he fishes out a phone from his suit and dialed a number.




,, So what now? " (Y/n)  asked as the group gathered together.

,, Honestly I'm not sure either, I've already fulfilled what i needed to do so this isn't really a lose for me, " Ei stated as she felt sorry for the others who wanted to go to the next phase.

As the two gods were conversing with one another, The other four watched the argument between the other participants and the Examiners. Menchi declared that none of the applicants put in the effort to make a delicious dish which could satisfy both her and Buhara. She even scolded a guy who only said that it was just pork.

,, So, as i was saying, not a single one of you has the guts to cook anything remotely new or innovative, " Menchi said which made Applicant 229 Angrier.

,, Hey! Shut up! I'm not here because I'm trying to be some gourmet cook, but a hunter! " Applicant 229 shouted as other agreed with him.

As the situation got more intense, Ei started to get more disturbed by the applicants disrespecting the Examiners.

,, Gosh I really just want to scold them and leave... " Ei muttered as she felt frustrated. 

,, Let's get this straight, we frequently venture into the dens of ferocious beasts in search of the finest ingredients, " Menchi reprimanded  as she walked towards the applicants.

She brought out a few knives and threw them in the air before she juggled them effortlessly.

,, And every Hunter is proficient in at least some form of martial art. You lack focus, and the will to experiment with new things, " Menchi continued as she catches her knives and points to the applicant 229.

,, And that alone disqualifies you all from becoming Hunters. The only one who i've seen at least trying and attempting was Applicant 1!"

As soon as Ei heard this, her cheeks went red as a big grin plastered her face.

,, Hear that,  (Y/n) ? I was recognised by a gourmet! "Ei exclaimed as (Y/n)  awkwardly smiled.

The rest of the applicants were dumbfounded for words as the atmosphere grew tense. Some of the applicants even glared at Ei despite her also been ' disqualified '.

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