↳ Song 01

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" New Ally "

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" New Ally "

The bard strummed his lyre as the boat reached an island called Whale Island. He felt the oceon breeze hitting his (h/c) hair, reminding him of the soothing moments in the past. The other participants on the ship fell silent as they listened to the bard play. Frankly, the participants were perplexed to see the green bard on the ship. Some even mocked him for participating in the exam.

(Y/n) eventually stopped as he laid his eyes on a young boy with dark green hair who boarded the Boat at whale island . The boy's personality is bright and cheerful as he waved back at the island as the boat departed. (Y/n) also noticed a blonde. He wore traditional like clothing which intrigued the bard.

It seems there's quite a number of interesting applicants... The bard smirked.

,, I'm going to be the best hunter in the world! As soon as i do that, I'll come back! I'll see you yall again! " The dark haired boy exclaimed, waving back at the island.

,, The best hunter in the world? The kid thinks this will be easy, " a man scoffed at the boy's statement.

,, Every single year, millions of the world's skilled applicants apply for the hunter exam, but only a handful make the cut. Be careful about saying stuff you can't back up kid, "the man continued as he laughed alongside the others.

,, And be careful about what you say to others. Maybe you'll be the one who suffers! " (Y/n) said to the men as he gazed at them.

,, And what do you know, bard? " the man taunted as his mates glared at the bard

,, There's a something called 'do not just a book by its cover', brothers, " The bard said as he went over to the boy.

,, Hello there! I'm (Y/n) the bard! And you must be... " The bard intoduced himself to the boy.

,, Oh! I'm Gon! Gon freecss! It's nice to meet you too (Y/n)! " the boy says as the two walked passed the men with weapons.

,, And is that a Lyre? " Gon asked the bard as he nodded.

,, Yes my young lad, His name is Lyre Der himmel! " (Y/n) exclaimed as Gon let out a laugh.

,, That's a really beautiful name! " Gon compliments before he stops his track.

(Y/n) looked at the young boy with confusion as he gazed over at a crew member infront of them. The crew member was on the floor with a box of apples as two other crew mates mocked him. As the fallen crew member tries to get up, his crewmate kicked him back to thw floor. The bard watched as Gon went down the stairs and follwed him.

As (Y/n) and Gon were mid way down the stairs, the bard heard a opening door and the two look to see a Burly man.

" Hey slackers! Get back to work, " The man scolded the two crewmates before they returned to their duties.

Just as Katzo was about to leave, Gon quickly called for him and returned an apple to him which had fallen off the crate.

"Oh! Thank you so much! " Katzo said before he left.

Gon and the bard waved at the leaving crewmate before (Y/n) heard a flock of seagulls. Gon and (Y/n) look up to see the flock of seagulls flying around above the boat. Free as always... (Y/n) laughed before he felt a strong breeze through his cape.

,, There's a storm coming, " Gon said.

,, No doubt, " The bard agreed as his (H/c) hair brushed against the soft ocean breeze

,, And how exactly do you two know? " The burly man asked before Gon pointed at the flock of seagulls and explained.

,, And there's a alter in the wind, " (Y/n) added before Gon climbed up the mast to smell.

The bard and the burly man watched Gon as he pinch his nose before looking back at the two on the ground.

,, I can tell by the way it smells! " Gon shouted.

,, Things are sure to unwind! " The bard said as he put his hands on his hips, letting out a small laugh in the process.

' These two... '

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