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 ' Lullaby for the Wisp '

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' Lullaby for the Wisp '

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After passing the Fourth Phase, Gon and friends boarded the Air Ship where it is supposedly travelling to the final phase destination. (Y/n)  was informed of Leorio, Kurapika and Gon's troubles when retrieving Ponzu's badge during the fourth phase whilst Killua and Ei went off to discuss about Ei's martial arts.

,,  Pathetic... I needed the two of you to do everything for me during the fourth phase, " Leorio bellowed as he leaned against the window ledge.

,,  I promise I'll return the favor so... Thanks, " The tall man looked away as a hint of pink faded onto his cheek.

,,  Hah, Look at you-"

,, I have an announcement for all the applicants, " The PA system spoke, which interrupted (Y/n) 's lines as he let out a big sigh.

,, The Chairman wishes to interview the remaining candidates, "

,,... Interview? " (Y/n) repeated as he crossed his arms.

,, When your number is called, please come to the reception room on the second floor. Then we will start with #1 , Raiden Mei," The PA system announced.

The interview begins.

,, Excuse me, " Ei spoke as she opened the door leading to the Reception room as she wss told.

,, Ah, have a seat, Overseer of Inazuma, " Netero gestured as Ei cautiously sat down on a navy blue pillow provided.

,, Chairman Netero, is this the final phase? " Ei questioned .

,, All i can say is that it may be related... It'll be asking a few questions to satisfy my curiosity, " Netero replied, causing Ei to tilt her head.

,, Questions? Haven't i answered your queries about my appearance a few days ago? " Ei wondered as she recalled her previous conversation with Netero.

,,  Of course, That is why i am skipping the first question. For this question, out of the other ten applicants are, which one are you keeping an eye on? ,, Netero began as he held up a clipboard, likely containing the questions.

Ei pondered for a couple of seconds before she gave her answer.

,, I would say Applicant #99, Killua, as i've seen that he has the potential to grow, " Ei answered as she nodded her head.

,, Okay then,  Next question! Which of the other ten applicants would you least want to fight? " Netero said as he glances down at his clipboard.

,, That's simple. It would be #406 (Y/n), but its simply due to personal reasons, " Ei immediately responded as she gave a small smile.

The chairman observed Ei for abit before he accepted the answer and let the God go. After Ei, the rest of the applicants were interviewed. Honestly, (Y/n) 's hands gotten cold as he thought of the numerous questions which could be given to him. Once it was his turn, The bard carefully entered the room and began his interview.

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