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3rd Person POV

,, Wow! Congratulations (Y/n), " Hikaru said happily as he noticed that The Bard was able to advance.

,, Now then off you go, you don't want to waste anytime now! "Hatsuhiko barked as he pushed (Y/n) into the entrance while (Y/n)  waved to the other applicants.

After that challenge was settled, The journey down the tower was a piece of cake for (Y/n). He dueled with one of the top prisoners. He also had to solve a puzzle which he made millenniums ago.  Once everything was done, He began to walk to through a dark tunnel. Once (Y/n)  made it to the end, The wall started to open, Shining bright light into the gloomy Tunnel.

,, (Y/n), Applicant 406,is the Second to pass. Time elapsed,  11 hours 3minutes, "The PA announced as The Bard.

When the Bard entered, He only saw a familiar Magician . (Y/n) realised that it was the same guy who murdered one of the applicants in the First Phase. Hisoka stared at the Bard for a few minutes before continuing with their own business. After an hour passed, Gittarackur and Hanzo enter the scene. Gittarackur went towards Hisoka while (Y/n)  went to Hanzo to comfort him.

,, You did well, Hanzo, Good job! "





Hours Ago...

,, Oh, come on, give me a break. Can't believe we've got to sit around here for 50 hours, " Leorio said as he went to sit down on the provided Sofa.

,, It room seems decent in my opinion, "Ei stated as she joined Leorio.

,, Hey Mei, What was that technique  you used on that Alphabet Killer? "Kurapika asked as he placed his bag on the ground.

,, Ah that... It something called the Musuo no Hitotachi, It is often used for punishmenta but i just use it as a last resort. I just hope that Akuma learns from his mistakes, " Ei replied as she let out a small smile.

,, Oh right! That guy called you 'Your Excellency' why did he call you that? "Gon joined in as he recalled the words of Mikoshi Akuma.

,, I was his higher up before he left his position, "Ei simply answered as she turned towards Killua.

,, Killua, i am quite keen to know the technique you used to retrieve that Prisoner's heart effortlessly , "Ei questioned while recalling Killua's duel.

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