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He called the driver of Xiao Zhan to find out if he was there. On being informed that his boss was away, he packed everything in two suitcases dragged them to the booked cab and left for Zhan's place.

 On being informed that his boss was away, he packed everything in two suitcases dragged them to the booked cab and left for Zhan's place

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His eyes teared up a bit but he gulped the lump in his throat and hurried inside with the keys that was with him. He hurriedly went to the master bedroom where he stood. He looked at every corner of the room which was once filled with warmth. Zhan might have loved him but he didn't respect him which he needed. A relationship could not stand just on love. There are more things which needed to be taken in concern. He blinked of the tears and rushed to the closet to take out his documents and everything. Checking one last time that he had evrything he needed, he rushed towards the door and stopped. He slightly turned back to look at the nest he created with all his love.

His bed where he made love with the love of his life for don't know how many number of times

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His bed where he made love with the love of his life for don't know how many number of times. If only Zhan understood him, but no, like everyone he was also concerned about society. Not once Zhan has respected his decision and now their marriage is almost broken. He needs to be free. He needs to break that thin string that is connecting them. The legality of their marriage. For ending things and going far away from Zhan he needs to end all the things so that there is no obligation for him to turn back to Shenzhen or anyway near this place.

He was brought of his stupour when he heard honking of the car. Damn it, Zhan is home. He quickly took his papers and rushed to the room beside to avoid meeting Zhan. He watched Zhan stumbling and entering his room. He was dead drunk. Peeking for the last time he hurried out of his once humble abode only to bump into the driver.

"Master." He bowed and greeted.

"Yang ge no need to do al this and please don't tell him that I came or contacted you."

"Yibo can I ask you something?"

"Yes ge, go ahead."

"You are leaving right? I know about the fight. Master mumbled everything today while I was driving him back."

"Sighs* Since you know then I am telling as I call you my ge that yes, I am leaving. Not intending to return back. Also ge, within a month you would receive some documents, hand it over to Xiao Zhan with these house keys." Yibo said while handing over the keys.

"This all started because of me." Yang said as he lowered his head.

"What nonsense! Nothing because of you. All on us. We rushed to get married without knowing each other thoroughly, this was bound to happen."

"No if that day you haven't taken my side these things would not have popped up. You consider me as your brother and its my stroke of luck that I got a younger brother like you. Live well and keep me updated. I hope our relation hasn't staggered."

"Ofcourse not ge. I will definetely contact you. Byee." With last few words of good luck and wishes Yibo set out on the journey of his new life.

Zhan has been no better. He turned more miserable than before. He is well aware of his mistakes but his ego does not allow him to apologise. He understands Yibo but sometimes he also wants Yibo to understand his point of view too. He wants someone to match his status but love is something which makes us do things which we would never have thought of. Those high class people with whom he used to hang out are snobs. They just cannot accept anyone who is not them. Zhan was also one of those earlier that is why he wanted Yibo to marry him so that he can also be of his status, can enjoy all the wealth Zhan has to offer. Then why was he adamant to work with low class people?

Yes Yibo loved to work for himself. His love used to say that after getting kicked out by his parents from coming out of the closet he was afraid of being dependent on someone. If his parents can do this to their own child then anyone can. He understands Yibo was hurt but he did not either want Yibo to work so low. He tried to make Yibo work for his one of Xiao's setup but Zhan's parents did not allow this as Yibo's qualification was not enough for him to work with upper class people.

Zhan was irritated but more of guilty. After asking Yibo to leave from his life, he immediately wanted to cage the another person in his arms but at that time it was his temper which was speaking for a typical ego which his love unfortunately failed to satisfy infront of those snob rich brats hurting his pride. After Yibo left Zhan was a drunken mess. He used to drink all time after work trying to get rid of the pain in his heart. The fuck his heart wants? Why does it pain? Wasn't it he himself to turn out his spouse?

After two to three weeks when he finally got a hold of himself, his so called rich friends were back bad mouthing and insulting Yibo who worked for a cheap restaurant in the city. Zhan had is all. He did not like to the way his friends addressed his love but when he confronted he was made to feel like Yibo was no match and others are. How would they know what is good for him and what is not? This continued for four to five more weeks when he lost his temper yet again and left to meet Yibo. Seeing Yibo still adamant to work low his anger grew and he said the words which he never meant. How will he live without Yibo if he was gone? He had people keeping eye on Yibo but saying those words which came out of guilt and anger when Yibo pointed at his mistake, his temper was really out. After leaving Yibo, hearing his screams, he asked his driver to drive him to pub where he drank his temper, saddness and everything out. How can he unsaid those words he spitted out of anger to the love of his life? Damn it. Didn't they vow to cherish each other forever? How things changed? Much after the incident with his driver when they were out while his driver was behind them matching their pace from a distance when few brats made fun of him. He was proud that Yibo had in him to defend his newly admitted Ge but those brats bad mouthed Yibo too for keeping in touch with lowly people. They said Yibo was a whore who just slept with Zhan for luxury.

No. Yibo wasn't that and that day he confronted Yibo for this. Not because he had his head low when people talked bad about his husband but because he hated those people to insult his husband. He did not like that. He took stand of his husband infront of those brats but still gave Yibo an earful for that and that continued all from that incidents. Fight, arguments became common between them.

Sigh. Things need to get fixed before it turns out more bad. After a week of that incident Zhan received a message which shook him to his core.

'Boss we have lost our contact with master Yibo. We tried to keep an eye on him but he suprisingly went out of reach before a week. Last time he was seen at your place. After that he wasn't seen.'

Here is another chapter

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Here is another chapter. Please let me know your views on this. Appreciation and Criticisms are allowed. If you have any ideas or suggestion please drop it by. I would love to go through them. See you in the next chapter.

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