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"We found him." Few people barged inside Zhan's office lead by Xi.

"What is it Xi?" Zhan said as he rubbed his temples.

"Zhan we found him!" Xi's voice held an excitment. Zhan got amused. He started working back on his laptop.

"Who is it you are talking about?"

"Wang Yibo, you idiot!" Xi said and Zhan froze at his place. Eight months. Eight fucking months have been and now they have finally found out the love of his life. His eyes were wide open while the fingers working on the laptop freeze. He looked up to Xi to see him grinning eye to eye.

"Are you sure?" Zhan asked with a very low voice. It has been eight months Yibo disappeared.

"Yes Zhan, it is the ultimate link we have got. His IP address of emails and social media was not traceable as he might have deactivated from the social media. But this I am sure. He must be in Danshan."

"Danshan? But Yibo never mentioned about this place. He was feom Shanxi but given his parents' nature and attitude, he will obviously not go there."

"We can find answers but first we need to talk to Mr. Li."

"Mr. Li?"

"Yes, cooking professor from our University. Owner of the restaurant."

"What he has to do with all these?"

"Zhan primarily Mr. Li is from Danshan, secondly we got to know that eight months before Mr. Li reserved a ticket to Danshan and boarded to but our men claimed that Mr. Li never left as they were searching for Yibo. Also I am sure about this because wait let me show you." Yan Xi showed Zhan a picture.

" Yan Xi showed Zhan a picture

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"Yes. This man. He is Huang Xiaoming. He operates a chain of local shops in Danshan. He is highly respected person there. This photo was posted like a month ago when he was working with Police there for making some kind of awareness. He posted this picture of him on his social media and lucky our men found Yibo in it." Zhan caressed Yibo's face as he looked at the photo. Yibo was looking more handsome. He has lost some weight but still he looked too good.

"Lets go to Danshan then."

"First we need to prepare things Zhan. First lets talk to Mr. Li. He is somehow involved we need to find it out. Don't rush things now." Zhan nodded and both set out for Mr. Li's restaurant. Reaching there Zhan barged in again to see a pale manager's face.

"Mr. Xiao, you ar-are back. We do-don't know about him."

"Where is Mr. Li?"

"He comes usually by evening. Let me call him to come here if you want." Zhan was going to say something when Xi interrupted.

"Please do that. We will wait. Please set a table for us." Manager vigorously nodded and arranged a table for them at a corner. Later after about half an hour Mr. Li arrived.

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