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Reaching the farmhouse both Yizhu and Zhan immediately got off the car and ran to the entrance. On their way all the bodyguards bowed to Zhan. Reaching the door, it was Bob to greet him.

"Zhan do you want me to accompany you? I don't think I should join. You take care of it and tell me later?" Yizhu asked as he felt wrong engaging in someone else's matter. Zhan looked at him gratefully and nodded before considering Bob.


"Bob what happened?"

"Boss we went to club three days ago where delegates wanted to have a new year party. Everyone and came and she came there too."


"Zhou Shi!" Zhan's eyes widened as he rushed to Xi's room only to see Yuan sobbing beside the closed door.

"Yuan!" Yuan looked up and immediately crawled to Zhan who scrouched down on his knees and hugged him.

"Don'y worry Yuan. I am here. Xi ge will be alright. He is just upset. We want him happy right. Try to calm down dear. We need to be strong for him." Yuan nodded but continued to sob. Zhan pulled away and walked to the door trying to pull it open.

"Xi. Please open the door." Zhan said politely as he knocked. He waitrd for dew seconds when he knocked a little harder.

"He is-isn't opening. I tried and Bob ge tried too. He ju-just sometimes wai-wailing aloud and then going all quiet." Yuan said.

"XI!" Zhan banged hard but to no avail.

"Zhan!" Yibo came huffing.

"Yibo. You are here. Take care of Yuan. XI WILL YOU OPEN!" Zhan banged the door again.


"NO!" Xi's growl was heard from inside as Yuan clung on Yibo and cried hard.

"TRY ME. BOB CALL MY MEN. I WILL-" Zhan was cut down when heavy footsteps were heard from the other side of the door and something stumbling.

"Xi! Brother!" Zhan called out as he heard a sob and his eyes glistened. Zhan turned out to look at Bob.

"Call for a doctor and locksmith. I am breaking through the door."

"I have arranged for Doctor boss. I will call for locksmith immediately." Zhan nodded. He with one other man pushed the door open only to be greeted by room awfully dark with Xi by the bed side lying in the fetul position and crying. Zhan gestured the man, Yuan and Yibo to move out while he sat close to Xi.




"Why would she say that? I didn't do it on purpose. Was trying to be settled was too much to ask for? Was I wrong? Was it not necessary?"

"Xi! What are you saying pal? You weren't-"

"Then why would say that I don't deserve happiness. Isn't she faring well with her partner? If not then did I force her to be with him? Have I asked her to leave me and go? Then why?"

"Xi." Zhan held Xi's shoulder and made him sit and hugged him tight.

"You deserve the world my friend. You deserve everything. Cannot you look around? You are filled with people who care for you. Your mom, dad, me. We are always there for you buddy."

"I know but why does it pain so much?"

"It won't if you don't dwell on it. Its all in the past bro. Don't be like this. Don't scare us. You have us. You have got Yuan too. He is so scared for you. Things will pass on."

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