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It was night time as Yibo was reciting a poetry while feeding SuYi whereas others were helping themselves to serve there own dinner. There was JunChen, Yuan, Zhan and Xi eating and talking about various things to be sorted in here.

"Zhan, for today where would we accomodate?" Xi asked.

"Xi for today you can stay at Zhan's vanity." Yibo replied as he continued feeding SuYi.

"Why? Then where will I stay?"

"Xi what are your plans?" Yibo asked ignoring Zhan.

"Well tomorrow, I will go and see the house which I am thinking of renting out. Its quite far from here. About an hours time from here. Well it would be comfortable for me and Yuan to stay there. Its not that far from university here. I will assign a chauffer to him."

"No Xi you don't have to-"

"Yibo, let me. Its not like I would go poor or something. If I have resources so let me help you. Let me help him." Yibo smiled at that and nodded.

"Yes so where I will stay now?"

"With me ofcourse." Yibo stated casually which took Zhan by surprise.

"Oh Ok." He murmured. Yuan smiled and pointed towards himself asking where would he stay. The rest laughed at his antics.

"You can stay with JunChen today, if you don't mind JunChen?"

"No Yibo ge, why will I mind? He is very much welcome."

"Alright then everything is settled." Yibo said and everybody went back to eating and discussing.

At nightfall, Yibo was lyibg beside SuYi as he was patting him to sleep while Zhan was sitting on the nearby chair waiting for Yibo to join him. After few moments Yibo and Zhan tiptoed out of the room and went to the living room and sat under the sheets of the tableheater beside each other.

"Tell me about SuYi." Zhan asked.

"Well he is my son."

"And mine too." Zhan quickly added.

"Ofcourse yes. Zhan you never told me about you fighting over your parents for me." Yibo said and Zhan went stiff.

"Ho-How do you know?" Zhan asked. He never intended to tell Yibo about this matter as he knew Yibo would blame no one but himself for coming between them.

"That doesn't matter."

"Xi told you. Didn't he? That scumbag!" Zhan hissed as he gritted his teeth.

"But you should have told me. I did not want to come between you and your parents. Because of me yo-" Zhan banged the table with his fist slightly and turned towards Yibo looking directly at him.

"I want you to know Yibo, it was my decision. I wanted to be with you. They cannot decide who I want to live and whom I don't want to. They have made decisions for me all these years so this time it was my decision. Also you have nothing to do with all these. Just focus on me and our child. Rest doesn't matters."

"But Zhan-"

"Yibo please lets not talk about this. It irritates and spoils my mood. I am happy with you."

"They are your parents."

"So? They decided to bring me in this world. They decided my educations, my friends, my career, my social circle. Its my life as to how I want to live. I don't care Yibo. If they can't repect my decision then so it be. It shows that they don't want a son, they want a socially upright slave who can do whatever they want." Zhan said sternly as it was warning for Yibo to stop asking him question on this topic.

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