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"This place reminds me so much of Shenxi." Yibo said to himself as he sighed and dragged his luggage towards the town. Now he has a new life ahead of him and he needs to help himself from the scratch all alone. But this time he was stronger. Hurt makes you strong, the hurt he received also made him one. Two times he had did a mistake of depending on someone else and now he has to pay for that. He would not repeat the same mistake again. If he manages to find a settlement here then along with work he would apply for further education in the local university here so that his qualification can get more better.

 If he manages to find a settlement here then along with work he would apply for further education in the local university here so that his qualification can get more better

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"The hell is someone herr! Didn't I tell you not to ask everyone to not come today. We have an ocassion here." Ying rolled her eyes hearing his husband's mumbling.

"Can you for once behave? Just because children are out for today doesn't by any means mean that you would act as a child Ming." XiaoMing pouted as he heard what his wife said.

"Still?" He crossed his hand and whined.

"Hello? Anyone there? Mr. Huang?" The voice came across the door.

"Now go and stop acting like a child. I have a pot on stove I need to look at that. Also be careful with what you say." With dropped shoulders, Xiaoming dragged himself and opened the door to see a petite figure standing there with two luggages by his side and a mobile in his hand.

"What? How may I help you?"

"Hello sir, my name is Wang Yibo."

"Hello Wang Yibo, I am Xiaoming. Is that all?"

"Umm sir Mr. Li has sent here."

"Who Mr. Li?"

"The one who is in Shenzhen."

"Listen Mr. Yibo I don't know any Li. Leave. Its not polite to visit someone's house this late."


"Leave." With that Xiaoming closed the door on Yibo's face and went back to kitchen and hugged Ying from back.

"Who was it?"

"Noone special."

"Really? Tell me Ming"

"Aiyaa A-Ying just forget about them and concentrate on me." And the couple got back to their flirting and teasing.

Yibo who was all dumbfounded at the Huang's manor door, took his luggage and left from there quietly.

'Its quite late and a bit cold here. I should go back to the railway station or some shaded bench. Atleast I would have a shade or a roof. Will have to work from tomorrow and find a place to live.' With those thoughts he headed towards the railway station back.

It was late at night and the Huang couple was watching television with Ying resting her head on his husband's shoulder.


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