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It was two weeks over and it was now seven total months Zhan has been here but these weeks were quite uneasy for him. After Zhan's father's visit, Yibo has been alot aloof, thoughtful and distant. He never rejected Zhan's love or gestures for him and even confessed back more precisely, but Zhan knew something was eating his husband from inside. The way the latter would just daze off randomly worried him. Maybe it could be the talk his husband had with Mr. Xiao or could be something Zhan has done wrong, he doesn't know of yet.

It wasn't like he didn't talk to Yibo regarding this, but whenever he raised the topic, the latter either diverted or shrugged it and that was quite uneasy for Zhan. His thoughts were clouded with the judgement that he himself might have done something unintentionally that has hurt is husband such that he isn't ready to share his thoughts and feelings. Zhan too considered calling Mr. Xiao and ask if he has said something disturbing, but stopped with the plan thinking what if he would be the one who hurt Yibo.

Also, Yibo has gone to Chengdu with XiaoMing for some work which Zhan doesn't know, and regarding the fragile situation of his relationship terms with Yibo tgese weeks, he dared not push Yibo too much to tell him. He was upset yet he couldn't really help it. He was now alone. Though Yibo was here and Yizhu ge too, he felt lonely. His love not sharing his thoughts, his insecurity that he might have hurt Yibo, his fear of Yibo considering leaving him were eating him from inside taking a toll on his mind.

Today was the day, Yibo was returning by night's time as the message says and Zhan switched his screen off, heaving a sigh.

"You have been quite disturbed Zhan. You call me ge, you know you can always tell me anything."

"Nothing serious Yizhu ge. Yibo is returning tonight."

"Shouldn't you be happy?"

"I am. Its just-" Zhan stopped. He himself couldn't point out the wrong in his matter, how could he word it out.

"Its just I missed him and won't be able to see him." Zhan completed with half truth. Yizhu nodded.

"Xiao Zhan, I know you are alone after your friend went back. That is why I try accompany you in the evenings too. Its for the purpose that you can atleast have a person here to rely upon. Mr. Huang's favoured one does have alot people around him, you don't. I am all ears if you are willing to share. I won't push you to speak, but if you want, I am a good listener too." It would have been the first time Zhan would have heard, Yizhu being so seriously concerned about him. A sad smile grazed his thin lips.

"Haha! Who would have thought I would find a brother like friend here. I really appreciate it and thankyou Yizhu ge for assuring me. The thing is tgat I too am incapable of pointing out the problem so its tough what to share. I, myself am unable to figure out but once I will, I will let you know if I would require any help." Zhan spike with one of the most fenuine yet sad smile that Yizhu didn't have the heart to push him over. He simply nodded and accompanied him for sometime, before taking his leave. Zhan went straight to his bed, gallouping a piece of bread, Zhan took his sleeping medicines, and went to bed. It would be fourth day in a row he didn't had dinner due to loss of apetite and had to now depend on medicines to sleep yet again.

The next day was like the usual days. It was around twelve in the noon with Zhan having less to no traffic in his shop. Zhan was seated on his place, near the cash counter with his budget diary, but instead of calculating it, he was mindlessly scribbling drawings on it, completely unaware of the visitor, in his shop. The visitor quietly moved towards Zhan and stood infront of the counter. He coughed slightly, trying to get the attention of the wandering person but when he got none, he knocked on the counter twice bringing back the wandering person back from gis thoughts.

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