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Xi beeped the horn as he saw Zhan walking on the path. Zhan turned around with a frown to see Xi there and sighed. Xi stopped the car beside Zhan and the latter got in the passenger seat as Xi drove to Zhan's place.

"You know this was unnecessary." Zhan spoke looking outside.

"I did not ask you at first place amd also I don't know anyone there except you. What do you want me to do? Die from boredom."

"You're a stubborn ass Xi, you know right?"

"Less than you."

"Fuck you." Zhan hissed as Xi chuckled continuing towards their destination bickering in the way.

Reaching Zhan's place, Zhan could see a car already there which he recognised to be of Xi and two men in black suit holding baskets.

"Now what is this?" Zhan asked tiredly as he made his way outside as the men bowed at him slightly.

"What? I am hungry. You are too. I want my lunch. So I ordered them to bring some."

"You didn't have to do that. I could have eaten anyways."

"Yeah sure. With that bitter mood, I cam hardly guess you making food for yourself on top for yourself. You would have just slept empty stomach."


"Nosy!" Xi mimicked Zhan just to receive a smack on his head and receiving two back on his shoulders.

"You are a hound."

"Same to you." Both the young men entered the house, bickering all the way but not at all mentioning about the incident at all. While Xi took the baskets from the men, Zhan set the cuttlerys for their meal.

"This is a whole ass meal

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"This is a whole ass meal. What do you think before ordering this much food?" Zhan exclaimed looking at the meal infront of him

"What? We will eat whatever we want to and then you can refridgerate the rest. I cannot eat slumpy food you see. I am not undergoing a punishment afterall." Xi said mockingly, as he get out of his coat. Zhan pushed Xi with enough strength to make him stagger and sat down gesturing Xi to sit too. Both the men sat down quietly having their meal.

"Zhan, what happened?"

"Nothing. This is good by the way." Zhan sad munching on the meat.

"Don't change the topic Zhan. What did he say?"

"Nonsense. He spoke nonsense. Thought he can intimidate me. Huh. Speaking for Yibo, he thinks he got the right to mingle in my affairs. I don't entertain such people."

"He might be worried for Yibo."

"He can just roll his worry and can shove it in his ass. I was so damn angry. I knew that even if a second I hear his bullshit I would loose it so left."

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