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"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?" Zhan on receiving that text became numb. Yibo dissappeared? How could that be possible? He immediately called his driver and asked him to drive him to the apartment where Yibo was living after their fight. When he reached that place, he saw the doors of the apartment open. With a little hope that surged within him, he barged inside the apartment to see three boys and an old man.

"Where is Yibo?" Zhan asked hurriedly, his eyes scanning everywhere to get a glimpse of his love.

"You mean Wang Yibo? He left the apartment a week ago already." The old man said but was shocked to see angry eyes of Zhan throwing daggers at him.

"Where did he go?" Zhan's voice was cold.

"I don't know. It was evening time when he called me suddenly and then paid me the rent of this whole month. Rest I don't know." Zhan glanced at the house one last time and rushed out.

To Xi:
Xi! meet me at my house. Yibo has dissappeared. I don't know what to do? Please Xi.

Texting to his best friend, Zhan asked his driver to drive him to the restaurant Yibo worked.

"YIBO! YIBO! WANG YIBO?" Zhan shouted frantically as he reached the restaurant. The manager paled as he saw Xiao Zhan and immediately called the owner.

"Sir please calm down. Its business hours. Please don't create a scene here." The manager said somewhat scared.

"You, shut the fuck up and tell me where is Yibo? Where is my husband?"

"Sir he-he resi-"

"Mr. Xiao!" Li Yan came and interrupted there conversation.

"Mr. Li?" Zhan said. He was shocked to see one of his cooking professor from his University here.

"Mr. Xiao, lets sit and talk. There is no need for you to create nuisance here. Please follow me." Zhan shut his mouth tight and followed Li Yan inside the place, near the kitchen.

"Mr. Li? What are you doing here?"

"Mr. Xiao you might be unaware but I own this restaurant here." Li Yan's voice was cold.

"Mr. Li, my husband used to work here. That manager knows that. Please tell me where is he?" Zhan pleaded.

"Mr. Xiao, I am afraid that I don't know any Xiao working here."

"He was Wang. Wang Yibo."

"Oh that child. Mr. Xiao a week ago he resigned in the restaurant. I was told that his husband that is unfortunately you created a lot of nuisance. Mr. Xiao you might have it easier amongst rich people being like this. Marrying someone with the same gender but its not like this in the local society. They judge people. I might have no problem with that boy, he was hard working no doubt but his presence would have hindered our business. He resigned saying he was no more needed here and wanted to go somewhere far. This is all I could help you with."

"Mr. Li, I am sorry. I didn't know that this was your-"

"No need to apologise Mr. Xiao. Just because this is my restaurant you would have not created a scene but knowing that you would have done that to others, I can make out that you are not at all sorry for your behaviour. Learn before its too late. Respect before you lose everything. Now you may leave Mr. Xiao. I am quite busy." With that being said Li Yan left the place leaving a dumbfounded Zhan behind. Zhan was really shocked as to what Mr. Li was true afterall. He has always been like this. It was like someone showed him mirror. His reality. He was brought out of his stupour by a call. Xi.


"Zhan where are you? I am at your residence."

"Xi." Zhan's voice was weak. He lost his love.

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