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Yibo was frozen on the spot. This was something totally unexpected what he was hearing. Five years. Its been freaking five years, he last heard this voice. He hesitantly turned around and his eyes glazed on seeing the person standing there.

"Who are you gentleman?" Xi asked as he saw Yibo froze. He got up and went to the guards who held the boy back. The boy looked at Zhan who just smiled and the boy immediately returned his smile with teary face.

"Leave him!" Zhan ordered and the boy spent no time in running towards Yibo and hugged him real tight wailing like a baby.

Yibo who was too shocked at the moment. He didn't hug back as he was in a very big dilemma. How was this possible? How come his little brother is here? He made sure no one could contact him further from his so called family.


"YOU ARE VERY BAD. YOU DID NOT LISTEN TO ME. YOU ONLY CARED ABOUT MOM, DAD, UNCLE AND AUNT. WHAT ABOUT ME BOBO? HAVE YOU THOUGHT YOUR BROTHER?" Yuan yelled as he kept hitting Yibo on his back from his fist on his back but refused to leave him. Tears welled in Yibo's eyes as he tightly hugged his brother.

"My baby. My didi. My Yuan." He whispered as he hugged. How happy he was to have his brother back in his embrace? The Huang family and the rest watched the scene in rapt silence as Ying cradled SuYi who just slept of. They were confused, had several things in mind but did not word it out.

After a few moments both pulled out and Yibo cupped Yuan's face. How much his brother has grown up? A two inch shorter but still same.

"How are you Yuan?"

"Don't talk to me."

"My baby brother is here who came so far just to see me. How can I avoid him?"

"Yes I have to come when you did not bother to contact me." These words hit Yibo. He lowered his head, let out a shuddered breathe then again rose his head.

"I did not want to drag you in my mess Yuan. My life was messy when I left the place. You needed to be there with mom, dad, uncle and aunt. I cannot ask you selfishly to come with me."

"They are not important. You are Bobo. I missed you."

"I missed you too." Yuan averted his eyes towards Zhan, he went to him and shortly hugged him.

"Did you have trouble coming here?"

"No, gege, I am good." Yibo was perplexed seeing this. How come Yuan and Zhan are talking and hugging each other so comfortably?

"Please you all continue with the lunch and excuse us. We need to talk few things. Xi!" Zhan said as he asked Xi to join them who nodded in return. Yibo also glanced at Ying who just smiled in return as she understood Yibo's concern for SuYi.

"No need Mr. Xiao, you continue, we will continue and leave shortly." Li Yan said and Zhan nodded in return and went inside the vanity Yuan who clinged to Yibo and Xi.

In the vanity, Zhan sat beside Xi while Yibo along with Yuan who was almost on his laps as he was clunging too much. Did Yibo mind? Of course not. He has also missed his brother alot.

"Yuan, how are you here?"

"Zhan ge arranged for me." Yibo frowned at looked at Yuan. Zhan sighed. He need to spill out the beans.

"I have visited your family before I proposed you to marry me." Yibo's eyes widened.

"Why would you do that?"

"I wanted to make them understand that its normal but who thought they were scumbags." Zhan said as he gritted his teeth and fumed remembering that time.

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