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"Mr. Xiao would you mind if I give you a piece of advice?" ZhaoHua asked. Zhan raised his eyebrows as he kept his budget diary beside.

"Please go on."

"Mr. Xiao, you cannot be strict with the people in here. They require friendly environment. You see you give them good on MRP, what they require is a little bit of negotiation."

"Thankyou for you advice Miss. Huang, but I cannot change the way. I have dealt with people alot. If not in village then definetely in town. I am like this only. I cannot bend my ways for anyone. That was what Yibo wanted. I am doing this all for him and our child. I will consider your advice but don't expect to much and now if you will see yourself out." ZhaoHua slightly nodded and took her leave while Zhan thought about what he she said.

It was indeed right though. A retail shop has the sole target of attracting customers. He needed to do that so that he can create more customers. Keeping this in mind he went back on his budget book, thinking of how to plan things further.

Four days passed in a blink of an eye for both the boys. One who was busy like always with his studies, child and work while another one who was busy in adjusting with the new life of people. Zhan took ZhaoHua's advice in consideration and tried to be a bit lenient which surprisingly worked.

It was weekend when finally it was time for Zhan to have rest from a tiresome week.

That day Zhan didn't want to get out of his mattress as he was dead tired but the windows did not help. The sunlight made its early rays through it straight to Zhan's eyes making him groan. He very lazily opened his eyes but jumped seeing someone sitting beside him.

"Holy Fuck Xi! You scared me!" Zhan said as he panted a bit while caressing his chest.

"Don't talk as if you didn't know I was supposed to come."

"Why are you here early morning?"

"Early? Dude its 9. You were dead till now. I called you too. You did not receive so I came."

"But I want to sleep more." Saying this Zhan laid back with his blanket covering his face. Though it was approaching winter, still morning and noon times were quite warm. Zhan moved side by side to get rid of the itchiness due to sweating under the blanket but it didn't help.

"Your budget is quite disturbed I see." Zhan immediately got up and snatched his budget diary.

"I know. You don't need to remind me." Zhan said as he was finally and fully awake. He sat with wall's support behind his back fidgeting with his diary.

"Zhan if you want I can help-"

"No Xi. Thankyou but I-I want to do this. Its not that bad. Also its a pretty good experience?" Zhan said raising his brows. Xi chuckled hearing this.

"I know, I know, go have a bath. Yuan must have warmed the water."

"Yuan is here?"

"Yes. He is in your empty kitchen. Trying to make something by using the unused utensils. Zhan I know its hard but atleast eat proper meals. I know you have a tiring schedule but still. I-"

"I don't need your lecture Xi. Also I am not starving. I eat. Its enough for me to get going."


"Shut it Xi. When things will settle a bit I will start eating properly. Let me struggle on my own." Xi sighed. He knows there is no profit in arguing with his stubborn friend.

"Whatever. Go brush. You smell so bad." Zhan nodded. He got out of his sheets and folded the blanket while Xi made himself comfortable on the mattress. Zhan smirked a bit, bent down to Xi's level. Xi looked up and Zhan opened his mouth and blew is stale breathe on his face and ran away laughing out loud.

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