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It was noon time when Yibo was standing in Xi's garden, bathing in the sunlight which was now fading to welcome the faint dusky evening soon owing to the winter season. Yibo felt a pair of arms banding his waist as he leaned back to the slightly taller figure who nuzzled his face in Yibo's neck.

"Done with talking to your friend?"

"Aish! He just teases you otherwise Yizhu ge is a good guy Yibo and moreover he is older than us so he deserves some respect don't you think?"

"Hmm. You are now all good words for him."

"Appreciating good things is not that bad!"

"Coming from the great Xiao Zhan." Yibo snorted as Zhan chuckled.

"Obviously. See I am surrounded by good people so that means I appreciate it." Zhan exclaimed while Yibo smiled.

"Yuan must be with Xi!" Zhan nodded as he stood beside Yibo.

"Hmm. He was attending him all the time then both of them dozed off so I came here."

"Umm hmm. Well do you think Yuan and Xi will be fine? Xi is new to being like this."

"I understand your concerns Yibo." The couple turned to see Xi a few steps from them slightly smiling.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" Zhan asked.

"Where is Yuan, Xi?" Yibo asked.

"He is sleeping Yibo." Xi then turned towards Zhan.

"I am alright okay? I am not fragile. Huhh."

"Should I remind you how you were yesterday?" Zhan raised his eyebrows with a mock tone to which Xi smirked.

"Oh then should I remind someone who few months ago was all wrecked and-"

"Fuck you Xi!"

"Same to you." Xi smirked as he looked at Yibo who was smiling at their bantering.

"Yibo, I very well understand your concerns. This is new to me but what I can make sure of is cherish and take care of Yuan in the best possible way. I promise to take care of him. As of now, I am happy with him being beside me and he is too. We will take things slowly. There is no rush."

"Xi it isn't I don't believe you. I trust you enough. Its just that he is too young."

"I understand. Thats what I am implying. We are in no hurry. We will take small steps but together if we wish to achieve something for us in future. For now, he is my ward and I will do everything in me to take care of him." Xi said as he came close to Yibo and kept one hand on his shoulders.

"Yibo, this maybe my second time falling for someone, but there is something different. Previously it was me who was caring but this time its equal and mutual. We both care for each other. We cherish those moments we have and its enough for me and for us for now. If I have him by my side." Xi pauses as he looked towards the room Yuan is sleeping then again turns towards Yibo heaving a sigh.

"I am stronger and even a better version of myself." Yibo smiled as he patted Xi's arms.

"Go for it then?" Yibo said winking at him and all three shared a laugh.

"Also, thankyou guys for being there. Now that I am fine, you all can continue with your lives."

"Sending us away. Moron!"

"So? You have a shop to operate. Its not good to close it whenever you feel like. You already took a day off. Stop being lazy."

"Nagging bitch." Zhan exclaimed as he walked away leaving laughing Xi and Yibo behind.

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