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"What the hell do you mean?" Zhan threw the parcel he held in his hand which he got from his driver.

"Master, this paper is from attorney!"

"Which kind of attorney? Yang, are you blind? Cannot you see I am engrossed in things more important than this? Are you not worried about Yibo? He considered you as his elder brother." Yang kept quiet. Knowing his master's temper he did not speak up but kept quiet.

"Huh. Look at yourself. The person who fought for you has disappeared and you are not at all worried. How farce you were to my Yibo?"

"Less than you." Yang uttered under his breathe which Zhan unfortunately heard. He immediately dashed towards Yang and held him by his collar.

"What did you fucking sprout? I am farce? You lowly piece of a shit. I tolerated you because of Yibo otherwise you would not have been working here anymore after that fucking incident." Zhan gritted those words as veins popped up on his forehead. It was coincidence that Xi returned, he saw the scene and immediately seperated Zhan from Yang.

"Zhan have you lost it? What are you doing?"

"This filthy man called me farce Xi! He got some guts." Zhan hissed.

"It was not only me who called you farce, you also called me one earlier. And please remember Mr. Xiao, if not I considered Yibo as my brother I would also have quit long ago than enduring your words."

"Don't forget who is the master Yang." Xi's voice was stern.

"Alright then. I quit. A piece of advice Mr. Xiao, stop treating people like shit. That is the only reason Yibo left you." Zhan lost his calm. He again charged upon the driver but his friend held him back.

"What do you mean? Do you know something about Yibo?" Xi asked.

"Well." Yang took out the house keys from his pocket and hand it over to Xi.

"How the fuck you got this? It was with Yibo. Open your mouth."

"Mr. Xiao I met Yibo the last night he was seen here. He handed me those keys and told me to hand it over to you whenever I receive a parcel. So you see I have handed you the house keys. Here are your car keys and on the floor is the parcel. That parcel will answer all query. Now I would take my leave." Yang said and left.

"The fuck I will make you pay for it you lowly driver." Zhan hissed. Xi moved forward and picked up the parcel. He had his hunch but kept quiet knowing what devastation would come around. He handed the parcel to Zhan who irtitatedly tore the top and took out the papers and started reading.

Numb. That was how Zhan was. No emotions. Not a single twitch in his eyes which became blank. Looked lifeless. He continued reading the binch of papers in his hand when at last page he saw his lover's note.

Dear Zhan, 

I am sorry that I am uselsss. I did not plan to be so. I only wanted to live a  peaceful and simple life yet you entered in my monotonous life. I experienced everything and yes I am very thankful to you that you made me experience the extreme feeling that exist in this mortal world. The immortal feeling of love. I loved you yesterday, I love you today and forever will love only you. I would never regret loving you because I know the feelings are mutual. But I cannot keep up with the things happening. You think I am strong well I am not strong to digest all your hurtful words which you sprout out of temper. I know you have a temper and I understand too but I want you to know that I have a heart that hurts alot by your hurtful words. So for the first time there is something that I can afford to give you that you asked for. You wanted me to get out from your life so I am getting out from your life. Very far. Don't worry you don't have to be embarassed and these papers is to free you from our relationship.  You asked me to change right? Zhan tell me can you change for me? If yes then know that you won't be the person I fell for. I never want you to change so please don't. I also cannot change. I don't want to be any other person for whom you didn't fall. I had talked to the attorney and signed it, you please too sign it and give it to my attorney he will process everything. I don't need any alimony. Keep well and be happy. I know you love me alot but sometimes love is not enough. I needed your understanding, your respect but I didn't get that. Please free me. You can move on. You are not bound to me and remember that I will always love you.

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