My sisters are discussing my love life. Great. Just. Great.

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Mini's POV

Mini Kapoor Mercado-Lopez was exhausted. A part of her wanted to give up, curl into a ball and cry her eyes out. She stared at a photo of the Potatoes they had taken merely a few days back. Her eyes roved from one happy face to another, till her sight hovered over one: Kara. Her heartstrings tugged at the thought of the reincarnation of the Pandava Karna. She wasn't any less devastated as she was when the Sleeper came and brainwashed Kara only a few days back.... A boiling rage was building up in her chest, making her think violent, unhappy thoughts. 

A chirp from beside her snapped her out of her reverie, and, she saw Baby Boo cooing at her. She smiled at the fire-bird, wanting to stroke his brilliant plumage, but deciding not to, not wanting a second degree burn. Her phone buzzed, and she saw that it was Aru. "Where r u??? Training starts in 15 mins." Almost forgetting about training, she grabbed her black zip-up hoodie, and her phone. "Bye, mom!" she yelled at her mother, stepping out of her door. It slammed shut, and, she took a portal to the Night Bazaar. She nearly stumbled into the tall frame of Brynne, who was angrily staring down at her. "Where were you?!" she asked. 

"I was afraid you were mauled, or something. It's not like you coming late to training." "Sorry." she mumbled. "Just wrapped up in stuff, I guess." Brynne's expression softened, and she laid a hand on her soul sister's shoulder.  "Let's go. We need to start training." Mini's eyes widened, and, she said, "Aru and swords in the same room? I doubt we should go there, unless someone wants free dismemberment?" Brynne laughed, and said, "C'mon." They walked into a clearing in the forest of the Night Bazaar, to find Aru swinging a sword in a dangerous way, with Aiden and Rudy ducking for cover. "Help!" Rudy yelled from behind a rock. "ARU!" Mini yelled, only to figure out that she was wearing ear buds. "I'm going in." she said heroically. 

"We'll remember you, Min." Brynne said. After ten minutes of playing tug-of-war with Aru, they managed to get the sword back, and Aiden started giving them a lecture on sword-safety. (And instructed Aru to pay close attention). "Now that all of us are here," he said at the conclusion of his speech, "I would like to introduce a friend of mine." "You have friends?" Brynne questioned, "I mean, other than us." "Yes, I do, Bee, and don't sound so surprised." the entire group snickered, and Aiden rolled his eyes. "Let me introduce you to Shaurya!" 

A boy swaggered in. He was a brunette, and had green eyes, and basically wearing the identical outfit that Aiden was. A grey T-Shirt with dark jeans and a green hoodie. He winked at Mini, and she stared down at her inky-black sneakers, fighting the impulse to blush. Brynne's voice sang through their mind-link "Ooh, someone has a crush on Mini." "Shut up, Rao." Aru's voice came. "She obviously belongs with Rudy." "Fine, let's take bets. Who will ask out Mini first? Rudy, or Shaurya?" "Bet 20 dollars for Rudy, on my side." "Guys, I'm right here." Mini said telepathically. 

"Oh, we know."  they said together. She shut off both their connections to her, knowing that they'll have more private telepathic conversations about her sordid, and, sadly dry love life. Aiden finished the introductions, by the time Aru and Brynne had finished bickering.  "So, since Shaurya is good in ranged combat, he will be teaching Rudy and Aru, since Rudy was begging me for a bow, and Shah is good with ranged weapons. Since Brynne and Mini are good with meleè combat, they'll be training with me." Rudy didn't look too happy, but stomped off to get a bow from the weapon's chest. Brynne went to town on the weapon's chest, rummaging for a weapon. She finally chose a broadswoard, the blade about the size of Mini's forearm. 

She started looking for a broadsword too, and was about to grab one, when a soft voice said, "Wait." She turned around to find Shaurya, holding a bow. "Um, just a piece of advice. Since you're pretty tiny - no offence - you should take some weapon with a short blade. It will be easier to handle, and you can get in closer on your enemy to disarm them." he said, digging his hands inside his pockets awkwardly. "Thanks." she mumbled, and chose a knife. After he left to go to Aru and Rudy, Brynne just smirked and said, "He likes you." 

"Shut up, Brynne. No one likes me. Last time I fell for a guy, he liked another girl, and Shaurya was just helping me!" she said. Brynne looked unconvinced, but, other than Aru and Brynne bugging her, training was pretty good. After training, Brynne and Aru had plans to go to Mini's place for an overnight stay, since they evidently wanted to discuss her dating life more. After dinner, (pancit) they went to Mini's room, and Aru suddenly said, "T or D?" Mini groaned. "Nooooooooooooo. I know where this will lead." 

"You do?" Aru asked, surprised. "Do you have magic powers?" Brynne snickered, and Mini rolled her eyes. "I'm sleepy. And it's 9 PM anyway. If you sleep past 9 PM and have an early start, it could lead to insomnia, leading to-" "DEATH" Aru and Brynne finished for her. They agreed to go to bed early, and, after Mini turned on her side, she could hear Brynne's snores, and Aru's deep, heavy breathing. She soon fell asleep too, her body and mind sinking into a relaxed slumber as a certain green-eyed brunette flitted in and out of her dreams. 

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