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Wow.... this book has been a wild ride! Gods, it feels like the end of an era, writing this author's note. 

Anyway, I'll first start off with the notices.

I will be writing a sequel to this! 

Anyone excited?

*cricket noises*

Ok then. 

And by now, I'm pretty sure you've guessed what one major plot point will be. I'll be typing up drafts, but not publishing them, until I've plotted a story while plugging the plot holes. 

It'll be most likely that the sequel will be published after the release of NoI. (*screech* *hem* Sorry)

And, I most probably will write what Mini saw when she was unconscious in the hospital for the epilogue as a oneshot, or in the prologue of the new book. 

And, of course, this book wouldn't really be my book without any shameless self promo!

-Aru Shah Jokes and Short Stories.

A book about, you guessed it, Aru Shah jokes and short stories! I mainly write oneshots and update irregularly. 

(Click on the External Link option below. If you don't find it, click on my profile, and it's there!)

...Yeah, that's about it. 



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