Welp, that does it.

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Mini's POV

The next morning, when Mini woke up, the events of yesterday came flooding back to her, and she bit her lip. How was she going to break the news to her friends? You can't trust anyone, the little voice in her head to her. I can trust them! They're my friends! She thought. You'll put them in danger. Said the voice flatly. What do I do? The mantra kept on repeating itself, swirling around in her mind. She felt the hair on the backof.her neck prickle, and she turned around slowly, to find nothing out of the large window treating her to the scenery of suburban Texas. Shuddering, she went down to breakfast, not being able to shake off the feeling that someone was watching her.

That morning during training (yay), the Potatoes were shooting her concerned looks, but she just glared at them in response. After they left, and Mini was about to leave, Shaurya, who was packing up, called out, "Wait!" She turned around, and he ran up to her. "What's wrong? You've been acting weird.... Are you okay?" "I'm fine." She said, with a strained smile. He raised an eyebrow, and she sighed, "I can't tell you." He put his hand on her shoulder, and squeezed it. "You can. Trust me." Mini was now currently having an internal war, and the fact that her heart was thumping painfully against her ribs wasn't helping. She bit her lip, and said, "I'm going to be kidnapped by the Sleeper." Welp, that does it. Her brain said. Shut up. she snapped. His eyes widened, and he said quickly, "How do you know?" "I-I can't tell you." She stammered. Shaurya's grip on her shoulder was becoming vice-like, and he said, softly, "I'm sorry, Mini. But you know too much." He snapped his fingers, and inky black vines shot out of the ground. Studded with stars. Oh gods, she thought, the Sleeper's mark. She tried to scream, but the vines wrapped themselves around her mouth, and throat. She started choking, and images of her friends started forming in her foggy eyes. I should have told them, she thought, tears streaming down her face. I won't go down without a fight. The stubborn part of her brain insisted. She suddenly felt the soft, leather covered handle of her trusty dagger, and she cut through the vines. Shaurya immediately got his knife out. And easily disarmed her. As a last ditch attempt, she threw down the hair barrette she'd gotten years ago. Nothing happened. He scoffed, and more vines appeared, wrapping themselves around her arms. I couldn't die with a weapon in my hand. She thought. Years ago, the Potatoes had made a pact. All of them would die in battle, with a weapon in their hands. Not for her, though. Fate had its own plans for her. Though, at the thought of her siblings, she felt at peace with the world. Even at peace with her death. And the fact that she had only a few moments left in this world.

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