Nope, nope, not good.

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Mini's POV

Mini struggled to get free from her shadow bonds, while glaring at her father. Soul-father. Her real father was at home, probably wondering where she was.

Questions bubbled up inside her head, mainly, What the actual heck?! The Dharma Raja snapped his fingers, and she was pushed back into a chair, free of shadow bonds.

Yet, chains wrapped themselves around her wrists. "Wha-" She began, but the God of Death raised his hand, as if to silence her. "I know you must be confused, daughter."

He began, but Mini spat out, "Daughter? What type of father treats his daughter this way?" The Dharma Raja looked pained, and said, "I had to do this. This is a matter of life and death."

She glared at him with anger. He sighed, and removed the chains from her wrists and ankles. She rubbed her wrists, while he said, "Years ago, when you were born, a prophecy was issued.

"Everytime the reincarnation of a Pandava brother is born, a minor prophecy is issued. Telling them the age they die, the age they get married, etcetera, etcetera. But, when you and your fellow Pandava sisters were born, the prophecies issued weren't any minor rhyme. The other generations had their souls inert, but since your souls were predicted to be awakened, they were predicted in the stars."

Her father now waved his hand, and six lines appeared in the air. One was golden, another was yellow, the next was black, another was blue, and the last two were silver and green respectively. "These are the current Pandavas' lifelines." Her mind's wheels turned, and she realized whose lifeline belonged to whom.

Golden was Kara, yellow was Aru, blue was Brynne, silver was Sheela, and green was Nikki. The black was..... hers. She gulped, and saw that the black line was much shorter than the others'.

"These markers represent where you are, currently in your life. She swallowed the bile that was rising from her liver. If her marker indicated where she was, then...... there were only a few centimeters until the end of her life.

The Dharma Raja, realizing that she had realized, said, "Here's the catch." Oh, fun. There's a catch. She thought. "Your death..... isn't normal." The God said. Now, a mushroom shaped cloud, like a nuclear blast appeared at the end of her line.

"Will I die in a nuclear blast?" She questioned, trying to lighten her own mood, and failing miserably. "You will not. But, there is something strange about your death. I can't tell now, but there is." "When will I die?" She asked, softly.

"Soon. Soon enough for your friends to think it's unfair."

Mini averted his gaze, and stared at the ground. "Another thing. There has been a lot of chattper that the Sleeper will try to kidnap you. He has already kidnapped Aru before, and she escaped. He wouldn't dare kidnap Brynne, he's scared of her." "He is?" She asked. "Yes. She's very strong. He couldn't try with the twins, since they have have Otherworld protections placed on them. Which leaves you as the prime target. He thinks you're weak."

Mini could feel heat rising in her cheeks, and she said, "I'm not weak."
"I know that. Your sisters know that. Remember this, Mini. Trust no one." Was it just her imagination, or did his eyes linger on Shaurya's hoodie she was wearing?

She rubbed the cuff of the same hoodie, when the duo heard footsteps. The god jumped, and grabbed his daughter's wrists. "Follow your heart. It will lead you where you prosper.

He snapped his fingers, and she was transported back to the road where she was kidnapped. Feeling dazed, she rubbed her temples. "What's going on?" She kept on asking herself. Taking a deep breath, she rubbed her arms, and started slowly walking home.

As soon entered her house, the smell of sizzling tomatoes and garlic assaulted her nose, and made her stomach growl softly. Her parents were both working late, and only her brother was at home. He was making pasta. And quite well.

"Hey, Mini," he called from the kitchen. "How was-" he stopped speaking as he caught sight of his sister. "What happened?" He demanded. She raised an eyebrow, and looked at herself. The hoodie was covered in dust and road grime, her ankles and wrists were bruised, and her face probably looked like it had been in a street cat fight.

"Did that worm Shaurya do anything to you?" He asked, his big brother demeanor appearing on his face.

"No." She mumbled. "Tell me." He pressed on. "I really don't have time to be interrogated by you, right now. I've had a really rough day." She snapped. Mini stomped to her room, and slammed the bedroom door on her brother's face.

A few minutes later, she could hear her brother's voice outside her door. "Mini, open up." He said. "Go away." She said angrily. "I've called the Potatoes." He continued. "Tell them to go away." She sniped. The bell rang, and he said, "Too late. They're here."

He went to open the door, and her sisters' voices filled the house. And Aiden's. First came Brynne's. "That pasta smells amazing. Can I add more oregano?" "Do what you want." "Where is she?" Aiden asked. "Her room." The door opened with a creak, and Aiden's face appeared. "Hey." He said kindly. Tears stained Mini's face. "Get out." She said. "Now why would we do that?" Aru came in. "I've had a really bad day, so I want to be left alone."

"We want you to tell us." said Brynne. "Do you want me to fulfill the promise of murdering  Shaurya?" Aiden offered. Mini laughed, and said, "No." "Then what happened?" "I can't tell you." "Can we stay for dinner, though?" Brynne asked. "Brynne." Aiden said, chastising. "You can." She said, almost smiling.

Dejected, the Potatoes left the room. Her heart hurt at the thought of not telling them this. She wondered how they would react when they would react when they saw her corpse. Too soon. Soon enough for them to think it's unfair. Her father's voice echoed in her ears. And if she was kidnapped by the Sleeper..... her friends deserved to know that she knew.

She fell into a deep and troubled sleep. Yet, before her heavy lidded eyes could close, she could've sworn that the Sleeper's different colored eyes were watching her. But that was just a figment of her imagination, wasn't it?

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