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Aru's PoV

Aru Shah had been curled up on her bed for the past day, and she had no intention to leave. Grief weighed her heart down, and, every time she closed her eyes to sleep, the image of Mini's dead body sprawled in front of her made her wake up in cold sweat.

She tilted her head, and glared at the night sky, with one star twinkling feebly. And, thought of the one thing she'd wished for the past day: Please get her back.

It was a feeble effort, but she wouldn't stop trying. Suddenly, a chime alerted her of a text.


Baby Snekky-Snake: GUYS




She grabbed her jacket, phone, and ran out into the lobby of the museum. She caught a fleeting glance of her mother's face, which looked weary. Her mom's face broke into a smile, and she skid to a stop in front of her.

"Mom-Otherworld Hospital." 

Krithika raised her eyebrows. "Beta, what's wr-"

"It's with Rudy. He texted us that something happened."

Krithika must have seen the hope lighting her daughter's eyes, so she sighed, and said, "Aru... I don't think you understand. She isn't-"

"I UNDERSTAND, MOM." Aru said, raising her voice higher than intended.

She wiped the tears in her eyes, and said, now, her voice barely a whisper, "I lost Mini. I can't lose another friend."

And, without waiting for her mom to respond, she strode outside, to see a frantic Aiden, and the restless twins.

"What do you think happened?" Aiden asked, his voice cracking.

"Dunno," she muttered, and the four of them took the portal installed on Aiden's lawn, which took them to the Otherworld Hospital.

Like most hospitals, the Otherworld Hosptal had an unremarkable exterior, an uninspired name, and smelled strongly of sanitizer.

But that was the outside. When entered, one could see plush velvet sofas in the waiting room, chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling, a large counter, behind which sat a yakshini who was sorting files and papers.

They jogged over to the yakshini, and Aru hurriedly said, "Was Prince Rudra of Naga-Loka here?"

The yakshini's eyes widened by a fraction, and she said, "Intensive Care Unit, Sushruta Ward, Room #167."

Aiden's eyes widened too. Before she could stop herself, she squeezed his hand, and from the fleeting glance he gave her, she knew he appreciated the gesture.

The four of them jogged up to the elevator, and, during the short elevator ride, Nikita asked in a fragile voice, "Do you think-" her voice caught, and she was unable to finish her sentence.

Aiden didn't reply, and just stared vacantly at the buttons, while his lips moved in a silent prayer.

With a cheerful ding, the doors opened to the Sushruta Ward in the ICU. They opened to a Rudy who was tugging at his hair, and a pacing Brynne.

Aiden just tackled Rudy in a hug, and said angrily, "You idiot! Do you know what the type of text you sent does to a cousin?"

The twins hugged Brynne tightly, who returned the hug.

"What did you call us here for?" Aru said, emphasizing on each word.

Rudy's face broke into a huge smile, and just as he opened his mouth to speak, a doctor hurried over. He was a yaksha with light brown skin, deep blue eyes, and curly hair.

"Why are you standing in front of the patient's room?" He barked at the group. "You have to await your turn, for now, only family is allow-"

"But sir," Rudy said, grinning wider. "The girls are her family. Soul-family, anyway. They're the other Pandavas."

It took Aru a few moments to register the words.

"Are you saying-" Aiden began hoarsely.

"I am, Aiden." Rudy said. His eyes were shining with tears.

"Mini's alive."


Aru had been sitting by Mini's bedside for the past three hours.

She stared at her sister's unconscious face, willing her to wake up and be alright.

The doctors couldn't explain the phenomenon that had occurred. Neither could Urvashi, who had been prepping Mini's now not-corpse for the funerary rites.

Apparently, just as Urvashi had been draping her in white cloth, she could feel a pulse in Mini's wrists. Her breathing, if highly labored, was there.

The Potatoes could have sworn that she had been, well, dead, in the Sleeper's lair. However, nobody was complaining.

The daughter of Indra buried her face in her hands, and peered at the monitor through her fingers.

Long ago, Mini had lectured her about heart rates, pulses, and blood pressure in a high risk patient. As a courtesy, Aru had listened, and whatever she listened to got stuck in her head.

She exhaled in relief. Her heart rate was steady, if not slightly low.

Brynne stalked in, holding sandwiches from the cafeteria.

She handed her her sandwich.

"Cucumber and cheese." Brynne said, sitting in her own chair.

A beat later, she asked, "When will she wake up?"

Aru fidgeted. "I... honestly don't know. The doctors say that physically, with the trauma she's gone through, she's okay, but the psychological trauma may be irreparable."

A cold breeze blew through the room, making the windows rattle.

"Where are the twins?" Aru asked.

"They went home," Brynne said. "They told me that they'd search through every dream to find her."

A pause, and in the silence, the beeping of monitors was heard.

"I spoke to Dr. Kapesh, and he said that they're clasifying her under "in-limbo". He said that her consciousness might have retreated into her mind in light of trauma..." her voice shook and died.

"Rudy? Aiden?" Aru prompted.

Brynne sighed again. "Aiden.. you know how he is. He still feels guilty, and went home. Rudy had been so hopeful... and now..."

"She'll survive." Aru said. "And not just physically, psychologically too. She's strong."

Aru heard someone take in a sharp breath, and it wasn't Brynne.

Both girls whipped their heads toward the bed.

Mini's eyelids were fluttering, and her heart rate was slowly rising.

"DR. KAPESH!" Aru yelled, rushing to the bed.

Minu's eyes flew open, and for the briefest moment, they glowed violet.

Mini clutched her hand, and managed to choke out, "The Greek gods are real."


That's it! Kindly go to the next chapter for more details and an A/N! 

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