No wonder you have so many friends.

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Mini's POV

Mini blinked the blood out of her eyes, and saw herself in a vast cavern, lit only by a few flickering candles. She started panicking, thinking, The Sleeper kidnapped me, and he's probably going to torture me! The stubborn part of her brain, which had urged her to fight, said, Betray no information. She took a deep breath, and tried to steady her thoughts, which were going to very unhappy places. 

The stone door of the cave groaned, and opened with an unpleasant sound. Like nails on a chalkboard. Or Opal singing. (A/N - I had to-) The thin figure of the Sleeper glided into her vision. His different coloured eyes were glittering with hatred, and something more....... excitement? He was flanked by...... Shaurya. No. No. He's a traitor, He's a traitor, He's a - "Well, hello, Yamini." the Sleeper said jovially. She glared daggers at him, and at Shaurya. 

The boy merely smiled at her, an innocent smile, which melted the hearts of innocents, and roped them into a trap. The same smile that ensnared her. The Sleeper crossed his arms over his chest, and said, "I'm afraid I cannot stay long, I'm on a tight schedule. I just wanted to say hello to our..... honoured guest."

Mini glared, and said sarcastically, "If this is how 'honoured guests' are treated, I'm not surprised that you have so many friends." Anger flickered in the thin man's eyes, as Mini felt triumphant. He sighed, and said, "Sadly, my daughter is rubbing off on you. I have one offer. One which you should take with no hesitation, I am sure." 

She gave him a dirty look, and he said, "You can join me, and you can have whatever you want. Fame. Riches. Love. Isn't that what you wanted?" Her heart had started to thump in her ears, as the words echoed.... "Anything you want..... Fame..... Love." 

"No." she whispered. 

"What was that?" "NO." she said, louder. More confident. "I see.... but have I told you the other part? If you refuse, I'll..... force it, if you may, out of you." 

Mini didn't like the idea of 'force'. She swallowed a lump forming in her throat, and blinked back tears. Yet, she was firm. After a few silent moments passed by, he said, in a bored manner,"I see..... still stubborn, are we?" She wanted to retort, Of course I am, you daft little- 

However, that 'cheery' thought was interrupted by the Sleeper 'tsking' at her. "Shaurya, please show your 'friend' what happens when people don't cooperate. I'm a busy man, I have to go." 

She imagined what type of things the Sleeper was 'busy' with. Probably planning an attack on the Otherworld. All because of you, that nasty voice in her head reminded her. The thing that snapped her out of her reverie, was the grinding of the rough stone door against the ground. Shaurya started slowly walking towards her, and she glared at him. He didn't react, but continued walking, until he was very close. 

He knelt down, and cupped his hand behind her neck. Their noses were practically centimeters apart, and he whispered, softly, "I'm sorry." Snapping his fingers, a pain overtook her. Sharp jolts of agony sped through her bones, turning her marrow to jelly. Finally, a heart-rending scream tore out from her throat, and the world went black.

A/N - MWAHAHAHAHA. You have no idea the amount of joy writing this scene gave me. Yet, you thought I would leave you here? Yeah you did, and it's justified, with last chapter.....I actually REALLY wanted to, but my better sense, (which speaks in my best friend's voice) told me that I didn't want a horde of fangirls on my tail, and I agreed. Therefore, I present to you, the SECOND part of the chapter.

*says while hiding out, since I doubt you'll like this chapter*

Rudy's POV

Rudy paced in the balcony of his home. Should I tell her? Nah. His internal battle was starting to annoy him. I'm telling her. He decided. "I'm going out, be back in a few hours!" he called to his mother. She didn't respond, which he took as a 'Yeah.' He took a Portal to Mini's house, and mentally reviewed what he had to do. Say you like her, and wait for her reaction. He always had had a tiny little crush on Mini, but after their quest in Lanka, that 'tiny little crush' blossomed into something.... more. He gulped, and rapped his knuckles on the door. The door was opened by a woman, Mini's mother, who looked like she was...... crying?

She sniffled, and said, "Oh, Rudy, I was meaning to call you. Have you seen Mini?" The question hit him like a truck. Failing to hide his surprise, he stammered, "W-what do you mean?" Mini's mother said, "I haven't seen her since two days. I've identified the authorities, but nothing turned up." Rudy's eyes widened, and, without waiting for another moment, he took a Portal to Aiden's house, fearing the worst. 

X-X-X-X-X-X-X- TIME SKIP -X-X-X-X-X-X-X ('Cause I'm lazy)

Rudy bit his lip, and paced in Aiden's room. "Are you sure she was kidnapped?" Aru asked finally. "No, I think she's holidaying in the Bahamas. Of course she was kidnapped, Aru!" he snapped. Aru glowered at him, and Aiden raked his fingers through his hair, while saying, "Who was the last one to see her?" "Well, I was the last one in the arena....." he began, but, then suddenly something hit him. "I wasn't the last one in the arena.... Shaurya was." 

"Dammit," Aiden said angrily, and and took out his phone, and started calling him. "He's not picking up." he said, at the end of a two minute wait. "We have to go there." Rudy said, immediately. They all nodded, and, a Portal ride later, they were in the Night Bazaar. Rudy started accosting people, demanding whether they had seen Mini. When they replied 'no', his faith dwindled. 

Aiden had to practically pry him from a scandalized old yakshini, and, squeezing his shoulders with a tight grip, led him and the rest of the Potatoes to the training arena. 

Nothing. Nothing but grass. He wanted to kick everything in sight, started with Aiden, (he was the closest), but stopped himself. A curved, black thingie was lying in the grass. Kneeling down, he picked it up, and saw that it was Mini's hair barette. "This was hers! I saw it!" Aru examined the article, and announced, "It could turn into a Night Flame, and it was given to her by Agni." "Magical weapons have a memory! I read about it somewhere, and if you do this-" he snatched the barette from Aru and started fiddling with it- "-A hologram pops up!" 

True enough, a flickering hologram appeared, and showed Mini being kidnapped by.... Shaurya? No. He was her friend..... He's working for the Sleeper? Aru and Brynne looked shellshocked, and Aiden's expression was unreadable. Aru said hurriedly, "We have to show this to the Council, they'll-" before she could finish, Rudy felt the barette's temperature spike, and dropped it, wincing in pain. It cracked into two. 

They all looked disappointed, and Aiden exclaimed, "I have an idea! I have this friend, and he knows about everything happening in the Otherworld! I can just ask him what to do now, and he'll help! Granted, it might take a few days, but-" "We don't have a few days, Aiden." Rudy spat. "She could be getting tortured, right as we speak!" "Rudy, you have to trust me-" "Yeah, and this 'source' could just be another spy for the Sleeper." he snapped. Aiden looked hurt, and stomped off. Rudy took a moment to process what he said, and said, "Aiden!" But the damage was done. Brynne and Aru shared a look, and turned around, muttering something about, "explaining the situation to him."

Rudy just stared at the broken hair barette, and whispered into the dying daylight, "I'm coming for you, Mini. I swear on my soul." 

A/N- Hi. This time, it's the REAL end. I know, the last sentence was a Caleo part, but I'm a fangirl, I throw around references. Anyhoo, bye! 

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