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Rudy's POV

Rudy thought he was dead. But, if he was dead, why did he feel as if he had been run over by a dump truck? He opened his eyes to a stone wall. He tried to get up, but then agony laced his hands and feet, and he roared in pain. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and he shook in pain. 

He couldn't turn his head, since his neck was bruised, but how much ever he managed to see, he realised his hands were chained to a stone wall, and he was kneeling down.... all he could see was darkness. "Where the heck am I?" he kept on thinking, over and over again.

Then, suddenly, a cold, smooth voice said from his side, "Hello, Prince Rudra." A man in a hood came into his vision. He caught a glimpse of different coloured eyes.... blue and brown. The Sleeper. 

Mini's POV

Mini stared blankly at the rugged stone walls. She felt as if she'd been hollowed out, nothing left inside her except regret and anger.

The door opened and Shaurya came in. He threw a plate of some dry bread. Then, he crouched down to her eye level, and said commandingly, "Tell us what the devas are up to." She lifted her chin and said, "Never." 

His expression hardening, he said, "I'll need to show you something, then." 

"What? Torture? I've been through it before, thank you. I can handle it." His lips stretched into a thin smile, and he said cruelly, "But can you handle this?" 

The vision.... she felt a dull blow being hit to her stomach. Rudy.... Rudy was in the Sleeper's capture. 

There was no audio, but he looked like he was screaming... "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?" She shrieked, aiming a kick at Shaurya. He easily went out of the radius of her foot, and smirked at her. 

"That convince you yet?" he asked. "This can't be happening, this can't be happening." She repeated this mantra to herself, trying to make herself calm. 

"If it doesn't convince you yet, I'll tell you what we'll do next. We'll hunt down all your friends, and kill them slowly, in front of you. And, then we'll kill you." 

DON'T PANIC! her brain shrieked. "I assure you, you won't be able to find them." 

He leaned down, and whispered, "Try us." There wasn't even a snap of his fingers pain overtook her, making her double over in torture, and blood fill her mouth. 

She wasn't sure, but through the suffering, she heard Shaurya's soft voice whisper, "Free him." 

Rudy's POV (I'm sorry for these POV switches)

The Sleeper said, "Rudra, you are a valuable part to our plan. Indirectly, you'll goad the weak daughter of Death into giving us information on the devas' plans." "Don't  call Mini weak." he growled. 

"And how will I goad Mini? You can't just assume I'm going to cooperate with you." he said fiercely. "That's how you'll do it." he said triumphantly. 

The next moment, he lurched in pain. It was as if someone had stabbed him in the heart with a knife. Pain bloomed across his chest, making him want to die. 

Mini's POV (Same time during Rudy's POV)

Mini felt as if a shard of glass had wiggled its way into her chest, and was currently poking her heart. Repeatedly. Passing out from the pain, she tried to navigate her way through the chaotic world of dreams, until someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her into their own dream. 

It was the Dharma Raja. She could feel no pain in the land of dreams, yet, her whole body felt sore and stiff. "Save me," she begged her soul-father. He merely looked sad, and said, "I have to tell you something, daughter." "Another death prophecy about me?" she mumbled. 

He said, "No. Recently, I was looking for the soul of Devika, Yudhishthira's second wife, to deposit in a new body. Until I found out that her soul was missing. After research, I found out that Devika's soul was already in another person's body - your friend Rudy's." Mini stared at the god of Death, and stammered, "During Yamuna's test, I could sense that it was Rudy's first life. That he wasn't a reincarnation." 

"The soul of Devika was buried deep inside him; it hadn't awoken yet, like the rest of the - what is it you call yourselves again? Oh right, - the Potatoes." Mini took a full five minutes to process this piece of information. 

The Dharma Raja sensed her shock, and continued, "Yudhishthira and Devika shared a special bond - a bond of love. Now, that Rudy is captured, you can use that bond." Suddenly, everything fell into place, including Shaurya's cryptic words: Free him. "But, you need to have energy to use the bond, and currently you- well, you-" "I am emaciated and starved, yes, I know.... but I think I know what to do." The Dharma Raja nodded, and said, "Good luck." Her mind went black as she woke up, panting and heaving from the dream.  

A/N - I know that this chapter doesn't go according to Yamuna's test in ToW. But..... just bear with me.

A/N 2.0 - Not much of a cliffhanger, so I'm sorry.

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