An Escape Plan, courtesy of Netflix.

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Mini's POV

Mini stared at the blank grey walls. The vision of Rudy being tortured ate through the hunger and hopelessness. It nourished her anger and fuelled her desire for revenge. She had absolutely no idea what the heck she had to do, but that was a start. 

Rubbing her arms, she tried to remember her father's cryptic advice: Follow your heart. It will lead you to where you prosper. 

She rubbed her temples, and tried to remember Rudy in the Sleeper's capture. Him being tortured. 

Her heart twinged in sadness. Pushing away her feelings, she raised her arms, and yelled, "Dharma Raja, I summon your power!" 

Slamming her fists into the ground, she made every cell, every fibre in her body, call upon the power she was born with. Her birthright. 

A bolt of lightning hit her chest, and she groaned in pain, but didn't give up. Power and magic flowed through her veins, sizzling with unprecedented energy. 

Every body had a limit. She'd already pushed hers by miles. All the magic she had summoned flowed through her body, and found its way to her heart. The one opening it was looking for.

All her power spent, she collapsed, her body twitching. She was dying, but she didn't care. As long as Rudy was free.

Rudy's POV

Rudy felt a sudden rush of energy he hadn't felt.... ever. Suddenly, involuntarily, he tore through the chains, grabbed his bag, and scampered out of the dungeon. His legs felt like overcooked pasta, and he wobbled with every step, but he managed to make it out of there. 

Mini's POV 

Through half-closed eyes, Mini saw a pair of feet run up to her. She felt herself being propped up against the stone wall of the cave, and Shaurya's face came into focus.

The intensity of his gaze made her snap out of her exhaustion. "Did you do it? Did you free him?" he muttered softly.

"Why should I tell you?" she asked angrily. "You might just run to your dear, delightful uncle and squeal on me." 

He looked pained, and said sadly, "I can explain, I swear-" 

"Oh? Just like you 'swore' your allegiance to the Council? How did that turn out?" 

He held her wrists, and said quietly, "I'm so sorry-" "Get your hands off me, and get out." she snarled. 

"You're in no position to be making demands here." he pointed out. 

"You're in no position to be talking to me. I could easily stab you and send you to Hell, but, unlike you, I have a moral compass, which doesn't let me kill or kidnap people." 

He sighed in an I surrender, manner. But, he turned around, his eyes closed, and started to speak, "Let me ju-" When a plan hit her. She couldn't escape covertly, since she was sure the Sleeper had increased the security, by, like, a million times, so the her only option was to do something..... bold. Daring. her mind supplied, being helpful for a change. A plan was formed inside her head, and she needed to do it now. 

Impulse overtook her, and she grabbed Shaurya's ankle. She twisted his foot, locked her feet around his waist, and kicked his back. She'd been practicing this move in training since she'd watched Enola Holmes with the Potatoes during their movie nights. His head hit the floor. She winced, hoping he hadn't cracked his skull, or, well, died. Gently poking the back of his head, she didn't notice much damage, except for a purple bruise blooming there. She breathed a sigh of relief, and started searching him for objects to help her escape.

A knife was in a sheath strapped to his ankle. Grabbing the knife, she very carefully picked the lock, and then, five minutes of tinkering later, the lock popped open. YES! her brain cheered. Tying him up with the chains, she hit another snag. How would she go out looking like him? Her fingers brushed against the frayed hoodie she'd been wearing. It was his! 

Putting up the hood, and zipping it up, she cleared her throat, and deepened her voice. She mimicked him, and it sounded good enough. 

The last stage of her plan. And the most risky. She had to use as little magic as possible, since if the rakshasas detected any trace of magic around her, she'd be dead. She didn't have DeeDee, but she'd been learning to control her powers and create illusions. Blinking, she felt herself grow taller, like she'd hit a random growth spurt.

She walked out, and felt herself stop breathing as she exited the dungeon. All the rakshasas bowed to her. Huh. she thought. Being the Sleeper's nephew really had its perks. 

"Hello, sir." the gruff voice of a rakshasa said. Oh gods no, not the Sleeper. 

The Sleeper ignored the rakshasa, and said to her, "Hello, Shaurya. Or should I say...... Yamini?" 

A/N - MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Now, I just want to tell you: I. am. not. officially. back. My exams are still on *crying*, but I was bored af, and I finished my studies. What turned out? A chapter! Now, I haven't written in so long so, apollo-gies if this chapter was cringey. 

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