Midnight Raid!

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A/N - I made up the moonstone part. It's absolutely not relevant to mythology. Just wanted to make it clear.

Also, this chapter makes absolutely no sense, but I had hit a writer's block. I'm trying to restart updating slowly, but this chapter isn't my best. I'm sorry.

And.... about the math thing... it's probably the smartest thing I've thought of, lmao. Also, I'm not sure of the statistics, since I read about them ages ago. 

Rudy's POV

Rudy stared at the moonlight in Naga-Loka. The soft light reflected off his bed, shining on his face, and making the tears running on his cheeks silver. But the moon wasn't the only thing glowing. The broken hair barette belonging to Mini was sitting on his nightstand, and emitting a faint purple light.

Frowning, he flung his blankets off his bed, and walked inspected the pieces of the barette. A shaft of moonlight hit it, and it started glowing more fiercely. His mind's wheels turned, and an epiphany hit him. He grabbed the small velvet pouch he kept his gems in. "Dammit," he swore, pawing through the pouch, inspecting every gem, hoping it was the one he was looking for: the moonstone.

His epiphany was that if moonlight was making it glow, he could probably use the moonstone to fix it. Sadly, the moonstone was not in his pouch. It couldn't be, anyway. It was possibly the rarest stone in the world. Only a chunk was there, which had been broken off of Chandra when Lord Ganesha had hit him with his tusk. That's why there was a scar on the moon God's aka douchebag's face.

He bit his lip. Now, his only option was to steal it from the Naga-Loka treasuries. If he was caught.... well, his hopes for ever asking Mini out would be burned up. As would be his body matter, since the punishment for thievery in Naga-Loka was combustion.

He remembered, as a child, his parents had taken him to one of these executions for an 'experience'. He had been scarred for life.

Squeezing his eyes shut, a horrible image formed behind his eye lids. Mini, being beheaded by the Sleeper's soldiers, since she refused to work for him. Shut up, brain, he snapped. His brain shut up, thankfully.

He carefully filled his backpack with necessities. Water, his gemstone pouch, a hoodie, and Oreos.

Then, he took a slip of paper, and wrote two words, two words that broke his heart to write: I'm sorry.

If he had been braver, he could have had a chance with Mini. If he had been stronger, he could've averted the battle in Lanka. Blinking, he tried to fight back tears as memories flooded back to him.

His head hit a stone pillar with a resounding crack. He had a fracture, hairline, or worse. Blood filled his mouth as he raised his hands and held his sound stone high. He slammed it into the hard earth, which was soaked in blood. Then, his power spent, he blacked out for a full five minutes. When he woke up, the battle was still raging. His stones would take half an hour to respawn , with the amount of energy he had used. Picking up an abandoned sword from the dust covered earth, he charged.

He still regretted that day. If he hadn't blacked out- Stop. A voice whispered. It sounded like his subconscious. Focus. For Mini. Cold fury swept over the prince's eyes, as he stuffed the bag with renewed vigour.

Silent as a shadow, he slipped down the stairs, and reached the deep underground treasuries. The stone yali statues stood still and unmoving, yet their sharp teeth were splattered with blood. So were their teeth. The yalis' stone joints didn't move as he slipped past them. Probably since he was a prince. His status as a prince, however could only take him this far. Once he entered the restricted vaults, he would be alone.

He kept on walking as far as his legs could carry him. Finally, he stopped in front of a large vault with steel gears and embedded with magical gemstones.

Smirking, he managed to deactivate the curses set upon the vault.

Then, grabbing the knife given to him by Aiden, he picked the lock in a matter of minutes. He didn't even stop to wonder why such simple charms were placed upon a high security vault. Not until he went in.

Crap, he thought internally. The floor was a six-by-six huge giant checkerboard. The catch? He had to step on the yellow squares, and they kept moving. His father had told him and his brothers about the vault protections in their kingdom. He had thrown him a contemptuous glance too, which had made his heart burn in anger, and then drown in a puddle of self-pity. 

Before he could start panicking, a cool voice filled his head, calming him. "It's math, Rudy." the voice said. "Exactly why I don't want to learn." his voice now flooded through his brain, whiny, like a little kid's. The voice. It was Mini's. His consciousness was being pulled into a memory. A sunny ice-cream shop appeared before his eyes, with him and Mini eating up the dessert before them. "It's simple to understand, really," she said. "It isn't." he insisted. "It all boils down to one thing. Mathematical certainty suggests that seventy-eight percent of the time, you revert back to a pattern. Whatever it is. Shapes, numbers, letters, anything."

Blinking, he stared at the ground from the podium he was standing on. Then, a pattern emerged, and he realised, it was cumulative. Praying to every god he could think of that his calculations were right, he started to jump. Then, suddenly, an image of being burned alive appeared before him. He lost his footing, and stumbled on a purple tile. Alarms began to blare, as he inwardly cursed. Grabbing the moonstone, he stuffed it in his bag, and started to make a quick getaway, but, he found himself pinned to the wall. 

A yali's ugly face emerged in his view, and it said, malice laced in its voice, "Well, the Princie turned out to be a thievsie, eh? Doesn't matter, don't care." 

He slammed the edge of the handle of his knife against its head, and tried to run, but fire laced his skin, melting his bones, and turned him into ash and smoke.  

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