Does living underwater count?

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Mini's POV

Many months passed, and no reports of increased demonic activity, or disturbance around the amrita's dome was reported. Many people were relieved, but the Potatoes were trained to be suspicious of everything, and only used the absence of the Napper (the Sleeper's name had become a joke in their friend group) to train harder. Every week, they switched trainers, so they were equally good in melee and ranged combat. Mini was improving, but her ranged combat skills were weak. 

Every time Shaurya spoke to her, she caught Aru and Brynne exchanging looks, and smirks, and glared daggers at them. Fortunately, her heart stopped beating at the rhythm of what suspiciously sounded like 'Enchanted' by Taylor Swift every time Shaurya spoke to her.

"Trust me, I'm better at throwing knives," she sighed, after the hard practice of a day. She guided her aim with her arm, put her arm above her head, and let the knife fly. It hit a bull's-eye, and and Shaurya clapped in admiration. 

"You're probably the fastest knife-thrower I've ever taught." "We're the same age," Mini said, fighting back a smile. "You can't have taught that many students." "I have," he said, "I'm self-taught. I applied for a teaching spot, and boom! I got it. Must be because of my gandharva descent. Many people think that gandharvas were only musicians, but they were fierce warriors too." "Huh. I guess you learn something new everyday." she said, smiling. He smiled back at her, and her heart started thumping painfully, bruising her ribs. "MINI! SHAURYA! HELP US PACK!" Brynne yelled. "YEAH! JUST A SEC, BEE!" Mini yelled. 

Before she could go, Shaurya grabbed her wrist, and said, quietly, "Um, would you like to have coffee with me tomorrow?" Mini was so startled, she took a second to process the question, but, Brynne, who had walked up to them, said, "She would!" Mini, who had been staring at Shaurya, was surprised with Brynne's sudden appearance. Mini gave Brynne a death glare, but Brynne kept her face straight, not bursting into laughter. Shaurya looked happy, and ran up to Aiden, who was staring at the trio. "Your first date!" Brynne whispered excitedly. 

"It's not a date." she said, exasperated. "It very much is. If it wasn't, why would he stare into your eyes-" "Ugh, shut up." she groaned, rubbing her temples. All this 'boy talk' was torturous enough with Urvashi once a week. "You gotta admit, there's a spark between the two of you." Brynne said, trying to sound nonchalant, but just defining the excitement in her voice. "It is pretty exciting." she admitted, feeling as if she was walking on air.

As she was walking out of the arena, a voice yelled, "Hey!" she turned around, and saw it was Aiden. "Mini," he said, quite formally, in her opinion, "Look, I know for a fact you're going on a date with Shaurya tomorrow." he said. "He told me," Aiden added, looking at Mini's confused expression. "Look, you're like my sister, and I'd do anything to protect you. careful. And I swear, if he does anything to you, I'll murder him."  "Thanks, Aiden." She said, her lips twitching, threatening to smile, at the sight of Aiden being overprotective.

"Bye." He said awkwardly, hugging her. She returned the hug, and walked off towards the portal. As soon as her feet touched the dry grass of her lawn, she realized she had left behind the dagger she used for melee combat. I can always pick it up tomorrow, she thought.

The more rational part of her brain argued, What of you're kidnapped by a rakshasa and need to fight it off?
True enough, the other part sighed. Taking the portal back to the Night Bazaar, she started walking towards the clearing, but, suddenly, shadows enveloped her, grabbing at her arms, wrapping themselves around her chest.

She gasped for breath, and her vision started blurring and getting tinged with red at the edges. Suddenly, someone grabbed her wrist, and pulled her out. She gasped, "Thank you." She looked up, and saw that it was Rudy. "Hi." She said, awkwardly. Rudy didn't respond and just stared at his shoes. "What was that?" She asked.

He finally looked up, and said, "That was the Wall of Shadows. It's the boundary of the Kingdom of Death, and the Night Bazaar. Only spirits can survive it. It.... sorta pulls you. Kidnaps you." "Like the Veil from Harry Potter?" She asked. Then smacked herself, mentally. She'd been hanging out too much with Aru.

"Harry Potter?" He asked, blankly. She stared at Rudy, and then said, "You dont know about one of the world's greatest fandoms?" She said. "Do you live under a rock?" "Well, I live underwater. Does that count?" Mini burst out laughing, and Rudy joined in. She smiled, and hugged him, whispering, "Thank you." Walking toward a different portal, her head started throbbing, and she heard an angry voice say, "GENTLY. I ASKED YOU TO TAKE HER GENTLY." Before she could question anything, the portal had whisked her home.

The next day, she decided to wear her usual garb of a black, long sleeved tee, dark jeans, and sneakers with the stars painted on them. She used Agni's hair barrette to keep her bangs up, and removed her glasses to put on her contact lenses. She stared at herself in her mirror. I look different, she thought. She did look different. She wasn't as nervous, and her shoulders weren't sloped as usual, from the stress.

She went out, and started walking to the coffee shop where she was meeting Shaurya. He waved at her from a table, and she waved back. "Hey." She said, smiling at him. "Hi." He said, smiling at her. She nervously tucked a lock of brown hair behind her ear, and ordered a macchiato. Turns out, there was no reason to be nervous at all. They just talked and laughed, and he was a really nice guy. After they had finished a coffee each, a breeze blew past them, and she shivered. Noticing her discomfort, Shaurya gave her his hoodie. She brushed her fingers against the soft material, smiling how it smelled like lemon verbena, the soap she used. It was weird how similar they were.

After sharing a muffin, she checked her phone, and said, "It's late now, but thanks for this. I better go." He said, "Yeah, sure!" They hugged, and, (totally surprising her), he kissed her. Briefly, on the lips. She returned it, a smile on her face, though, blushing furiously. she started walking towards her home, not noticing the shadows stalking her. Slowly, they creeped up behind her, wrapping themselves around her ankles. She tried to fight them off, but they were too strong, and there was nothing to save her.

They pulled her towards a wormhole, and dragged her to the feet of a man. He looked vaguely familiar, with ash-grey skin, black hair, and tusks growing underneath his lips. He carried a danda in his hand, and a noose in his other. And he looked worried. Then, it hit her: this was her father. Her soul father anyway. It was the Dharma Raja.

A/N- I honestly cringed so hard while writing the kiss scene.


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