To My Mother

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I miss you Mother, You are gone from my life, but not from my heart. 

You will be a part of me forever, 

Forever dwelling in the deepest reaches of my being,

Alive in every thought, every memory.

Within me you will never die.

  So much a part of my life, my heart,

Forever bound by a bond deeper than blood,

Gone, but part of me still.

Our lives were twined before birth,

Such strength it required, on both our parts, for my life to come into being.

The bond between us forged in unseen fires,

Tested and strengthened before ever we set eyes upon the other.


Linked by heart and hope, by love and pain,

That bond is not so easily severed by mere death,

Though physically we are parted, our souls and hearts are still connected,

 One day to be reunited in another place and time.

I miss you mother, More than mere words can ever express.

I miss your presence in my life, and all that you meant to me,

I miss your smile and your tears, your joy and your anger,

I miss all that you were, be it good or ill - for it was who you are.

I miss it all.

And when thee pain is greatest, and the tears fall like rain,

I know you are in peace, and that you too are not alone,

And the gentle touch of an old and beloved friend calms me,

Brings me peace and, in truth, pleasure.

I miss you Mother, and will always do so,

But I know that, for now, our paths have parted ways,

One day we will meet once more,

Until the I remain your loving daughter.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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