Beloved Gabriel

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Sweet glowing waves of purest sea,

Lap upon the shores of eternal salvation.

Soft music in its restless motion,

Like hosts of Angels singing of the glory of the Light.

Sea bright the glow that illumes the west,

A glowing cup atop a wave of purest light.

Soft words carry to one who will listen,

Who will open their heart to all feeling.

Let the water flow to honour his presence,

Purifying thy heart with the love of heaven.

Smell the crisp clear scent of the sea; taste the salt upon thy tongue,

Open all your senses to those who gather about you.

Drink of the cup of joy, and banish all fear,

For it has no place in the heart of the righteous.

Evil alone shall be washed away by the holy dew.

As the clean rain washes the mud from our lives, so shall he rinse the taint of evil from our hearts.

Waterfalls cascade about this being,

His gentle voice and heavenly trumpet heard, when vision hides his glory.

The heart always recognises his presence,

And gives greeting to he who serves The Queen of Heaven.

Sea deep his presence, engulfing and uplifting,

The beauty of a timeless tide within the oceans of his eyes.

Drink deep of the cup he offers, for it is life.

All hail the Angel of The Annunciation.

And he is Gabriel, of the West, and the Waters.

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