Beloved Uriel

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Softly speaks the feathered wings of the North,

Casting iridescent shadows upon the earth beneath.

Green-black they shine in light half seen,

To encircle you in silent protection.

Open your mind to the touch of Death,

And fear not its gentle embrace.

For death is far from and ending -but rather a doorway to the life, and the world, that waits beyond,

Accept the lessons of this powerful teacher, and open thyself to the sensations of life.

Precious is the salt that symbolises his presence,

For it is of the Earth, sweet and true.

Be guided by his touch; learn through the sensations he provides,

Take joy in the world, for you are alive - and never alone.

Hold no fear in your heart for this dark angel,

For the Angel of Death comes to us all.

Merciful though, this pinioned one,

And only evil need truly fear what lies in the realm that is his to oversee.

Deep robes of earthen hues, of browns and greens, and natures depths,

More sensed than seen; touched with the mind and senses awakened to the truth.

Let thy mind, and heart. and soul, sour to the heavens,

And let what you learn guide you in the light - now, and all the days of your lives.

Stern is his demeaner; solemn his gaze,

But neither hide the dark beauty that is his to compel the soul.

Give soft greeting to this tender one, and hope his visit is brief and pleasant,

Release thy soul to sing should he grace you with loving smile, for you have found favour with this most gentle of angels.

Because this is dark Uriel, of the North, and the Earth.

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